I try to refrain from saying: "Aren't they/he cute?" as much as I can. What do you say when someone asks you that anyways? What if you don't think their kid is cute? Is there really any way you could say: "No I don't think they really are."
Side note: I've heard people say that all babies are cute. JB disagrees. He says he has definitely seen some not-cute babies, and he thinks that anyone who says they are all cute hasn't seen enough of them. Ha!
Anyways, I do try to refrain. But I figure writing it on the blog is okay. I'm not actually putting anyone on the spot. If you don't think they are cute, you can just click off my blog and go about your day. You don't have to put a comment agreeing with me. (But if you do agree, I sure don't mind if you comment and tell me so.)
Okay, so here is my lack of refrain: my little guys were so cute this morning!! Poor little guys got way too many kisses from me between getting up and getting to "shurch." I even managed to take a few pictures in their vests, and as usual, didn't even try to get them both looking at the camera.
Here Isaac is saying: Shuck. Shuck. Interpretation: "Look Mommy! His vest has a truck on it too!"
Speaking of "shurch", I feel like each week I attempt to get the boys (and Scrubs) ready for MOPs or Bible Study, it goes even better than the week before. There are glitches of course, but I am learning tricks to make the time more peaceful and not allow Satan to steal my joy before I even get into the van! (Can I get an AMEN from anyone out there about that?!)
Some of my tricks? Well, I am trying to get everything ready the night before since Elijah has decided, recently, that 5:30am is a good time to wake up, and I find that it is too hard to get up before that to get things ready. I lay out clothes, have the diaper bag packed, have my purse ready (yes, I have resorted to carrying a very cool Vera Bradley "Mom" bag. I held off as long as I could.) Things like that. Then, after Elijah gets up and I have tended to him and he is playing, I do some last minute things like snacks and milk and stuff.
I then feed Elijah and gave him a bath. After that, Isaac is getting up and Elijah is ready to go down for his morning snooze. I repeat the process with Isaac: eating and bath. It may seem like double work, and I guess it is, but while Isaac is bathing, I am actually able to put on my make-up and do my hair! Way cool! I can't really do that while Elijah is in the tub because he is a wiggly little bear!
Once they are both up, which usually happens during the last forty-five minutes before we leave aroun 9:15, I have given myself permission, when I feel I need it, to put on one of the Praise Baby DVDs on. If you haven't seen these things: GET THEM! They are fabulous. So peaceful. So filled with Christ. And the kids love them. In addition, they are just 30 minutes so I feel like they are just enough time for me to run around doing a few more things while they are pretty content and actually hearing the Lord's words. I can also get them dressed while they are watching the video. We don't like to let our kids watch much (if any) TV before they are two, but I have realized that this is sort of necessary for me not to go crazy before we leave.
Then, when we are all dressed, we go outside and the boys play with their bikes for a few minutes while I get the van ready and play Frisbee with Scrubs. Then I throw him in the house with some treats and we are off!
I agree... major cuteness!!!
Wayyyyy cute. I love my boys!
Very cute. :-)
And yes - Praise Baby is awesome! The only DVD I will let Kaia sit and watch. It's basically just music, anyway with a bunch of shapes and stuff on the TV.
And...Hans has always said that not all babies are cute. I, personally, think that they are all cute to someone out there. So I'm not sure if that makes them all cute or not?!
The cutest!!!!!!! Was there ever any doubt??????
I agree, yours are adorable! But I agree with John not all babies are cute.
Cute vests, adorable, sweet little boys!!:)N
yours are cute. i've delivered some very not-cute babies and agree w/ john :0
They ARE cute. And I agree with JB--I have seen some ugly kids/babies.
Ridiculously cute!!!!! I just want to pinch their cheeks (but I will refrain). :)
The boys look so cute in their vests...I love the pictures. I have never heard about those DVD's...good to know for someday in the future!
I am learning tricks to make the time more peaceful and not allow Satan to steal my joy before I even get into the van! (Can I get an AMEN from anyone out there about that?!)
If there is a night where JK will have nightmares and be awake all night or EK will be fighting his teeth, it will be Saturday night, before Church the next morning. Same with Wednesdays and Bible study that night. Those never fail to be the hardest days of the week. I've just been going into it with the mindset of, "Satan, you will not steal my joy and you will not get me so down that I don't want to go." The harder the day, the more determined I am to go because he just seems to be working way too hard to keep from from the good stuff, yanno?
You and I seem to be doing the same thing though in an effort to prepare: Do everything the night before. All the bags are packed and ready to go by the front door; clothes and shoes laid out; sippy cups and bottles in the fridge already filled with juice/milk; lunch bags packed in the fridge. All we have to do is dress, watch a DVD and wait for Mommy.
They are so adorable! Do people tell you often that they look alike? They really do. They are such handsome boys.
Precious boys, you have!
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