Monday, August 31, 2009
This second short video shows the technique Elijah is using to crawl. I think it's working pretty well.
Messes and baths
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tiffany & Reagan
One of our wifia members, Tiffany, is due to have a little girl in October. Reagan Lee. Yesterday we had a shower to celebrate Tiffany and Reagan. Here are some photos from our day. We had a wonderful time by the way. A huge thank you to my husband who took over parental duties for me while I was gone.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Actual conversation
Run. Car picked up from shop. Grocery store. Mow yard (JB not me). And a baby shower for friend Tiffany. (More to come on that tomorrow.)
True story. Joia rode with me to shower. I said to her as I dropped her off. "Elijah is getting up on all fours. If I had to guess, I'd say he is days to weeks away from crawling."
Make that hours.
Got home. Sat on the floor. Elijah was sitting in his boppy. He leaned forward and fell onto his stomach. He often does. Then he began getting up on all fours and diving. He did it enough times to move across the living room and get to JB.
Later he did it in reverse. He "dove" to me.
Not sure how I feel about this. Excited because we can tell Elijah's been frustrated. He wants to get to things that he can't. He wants to move like big brother.
Good news is that frustration will end.
Bad news is that adventure will begin. For Dad and Mom that is.
Two mobile babies.
Your prayers are appreciated.
Friday, August 28, 2009
You go JB!

A big grey ball, a bunny, and a duck
. . . stay with me here. This may seem random, but I'm going to get to something profound.
I hope.
Isaac thinks all three of these items were personally created for his enjoyment. Every single time we go into our bedroom he immediately starts saying, "Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball." We then have to roll the big grey exercise ball down the hall into the living room. In addition, fluffy bunny must exit with us as well.
Since Isaac and Scrubs follow me to any room I go, I've started just tossing laundry into my bedroom. I'll put them away later. If I open the door fully and Isaac comes in with me, we have to get the ball and bunny out. He can't do both, so I have to take one. We bring them into the living room, Isaac incredibly ecstatic, only to drop them and go back to play with our cars. Sometimes we don't make it farther than the hallway before distraction takes over.
The duck is no different. It's in the guest room (aka Elijah's room). If we go into Elijah's room to put him down for a nap or get him up, Isaac always comes with me. When we leave, duck needs to come with. Duck is nearly as big as Isaac so maneuvering with him down the hallway is quite an adventure.
Yesterday I decided to put the big grey exercise ball onto the porch. I was so tired of rolling it back and forth down the hall. Yesterday evening, Isaac went into our room chanting his typical, "Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball," only to not be able to find the ball anywhere. I felt terrible. The ball is still on the porch, but if he looks just as concerned today, I'll probably drag it back in.
And here's where I get to my point.
I have a parenting philosophy. You may disagree with me. And if you do, that's okay.
But here it is.
There is so much you have to say "no" to as a parent, that I really make it a point not to say "no" unless it really needs to be said. If Isaac wants to play with the ball, while inconvenient, it's not a big deal. Right now he is sitting in the exersaucer. He has recently decided this is way fun again. He may be a little big, but he only weighs two pounds more than Elijah. I don't think he is going to damage it.
I have to say "no" to so much. Things that are dangerous or inappropriate or just not for kids to play with. So I really try to say "yes" whenever I can. Even if it means we have a fluffy bunny, white duck, and exercise ball, perched somewhere in our hallway all day long and I have to put them away each night only to help him take them out again the next day.
It's worth it just to see the huge grin on Isaac's face. Even if he gets distracted six seconds later and is on to something else.
Sometimes it is hard. Sometimes when he wants to help me do the laundry and toss it all over the living room, I feel slowed down. But I try to remember that Isaac is only a little boy for a short period of time. In a matter of months or years it will be inappropriate to throw laundry everywhere. But for now, he's having fun.
Don't get me wrong. I say no to plenty. I think it is definitely appropriate for children to have boundaries and to know what they are and to live within them. For example, I've decided that playing with the VHS tapes just isn't feasible. So that's a no. But I really make it a point to pick my battles.
Ball, bunny, and duck are not my battles. And so in the hallway they sit.
*** Edited to add *** Not 1 hour after I wrote this post, Isaac spotted the big grey ball on the porch. He came running up to me patting his belly saying "Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball." He was desperate to save it from the big bad porch. So inside it is!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Contest Smontest
I thought for awhile and decided that I would enter this contest. I've never entered a contest before because I was alway so busy teaching other people to write or writing for my job to want to do extra writing. But not anymore. I'm still doing a bit of writing here and there and some editing for the RLS Foundation, but otherwise, I'm not writing much.
So for the past week, I have been working on my 1500 word essay. I decided to write about our adoption of Isaac, getting to meet him for the first time, you know all that fun stuff. I worked on it in ten minute bursts when Isaac was eating in his high chair, during naps, etc. I was nearly done when . . .
. . . yesterday, I was reading through the same magazine again. This time page by page. I read a delightful essay on adoption. I turned the page and realized that this essay on adoption was the example for writing on essay on how you know you're grown up! Are you kidding? I was really bummed and pouted about it for at least an hour. What were the chances that my idea was the example idea?
I lamented to JB when he got home. He encouraged me by telling me I could at least I could know I had been on the right track. I guess.
So obviously I can't enter my adoption essay into contest when my essay is practically a mimic of the original. It won't stand a chance. No originality at all.
Did I tell you that this really bummed me out?!
The good news is that I did enjoy writing this essay, and I've decided that if I see some other writing contests, I'll enter. That's where you all come in. If you hear of a contest that you think I'd be good for, let me know. Just leave a comment on a blog.
But until then, bummed. Really bummed.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Way fun!
Wanna PRAY?
Monday night, we finished changing both boys at the same time and convened randomly in the guest bedroom. Isaac and Elijah were both sitting on the bed, bouncing around, and Scrubs was standing by the side of the bed with his chin perched on the bedspread.
I asked JB if we should pray together, as a family, since we were all there already. This would be instead of praying individually with both boys. John said that sounded like a great idea.
So I turned to Scrubs and playfully said, "Do you want to PRAY?"
In our home, there are no words that Scrubs wants to hear more than, "Do you want to PLAY?" This is code for Wendi or JB shining the flashlight down the hallway and Scrubs throwing himself against the guestroom door. Here's a video of him doing it if you haven't seen it before.
Needless to say, Scrubs heard no difference between the word PRAY and PLAY. I did not mean to do it. It was purely coincidence. As soon as the words came out of my mouth and Scrubs' ears perked up, he backed up from the bed and ran to the hallway, standing there, waiting for me to come with the flashlight. JB looked at me and said I was so mean. I didn't mean to trick him! I really didn't!
Poor Scrubs. He had no idea I said PRAY. I felt bad so instead of praying, I got up and played some flashlight with the doggie while JB prayed and put the boys to bed.
I now know better than to ask our dog to participate in talking to God in the future!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Get a clue!
I have recently come to the conclusion . . .
Don't get me wrong. I am still in love with chocolate. But peanut butter is so much more diverse. You can eat peanut butter at every meal -- smothered on an English muffin for breakfast, topped on a banana for a snack, in a sandwich for lunch, and served up Thai style at dinner. Then you can have it in your ice cream for dessert.
Chocolate is a bit more limiting. I think it just feels wrong to have chocolate at every meal -- a bit like dessert over and over and over again.
Not the good ol' PB.
And so, it is for this reason, that it has moved up in my overall rating scale -- to stand in front of the almighty chocolate. Today I ate it with an apple, with a banana, and on toast.
And it was all deliciously good.
Monday, August 24, 2009
GoD and DoG
Thanks Mom for sending me this. I'm dedicating it to my Scrubby who saved my life during my first year here as I made peace with childlessness and who now joyfully accepts two little boys who have placed him a bit farther back on my priority list.
Ode to Scrubs
By Grampa Coach
Scrubby’s a dog that we all love,
It’s clear to the world he’s a gift from above;
But when he is rested and ready to play,
We all want to dump his butt in the bay!
He’s strong as a bull and twice as quick,
Foxes are clever; he’s three times as slick.
When visitor’s come he’s hard to ignore,
Cuz two steps inside and you’re knocked to the floor!
Yet he does do some things endearing and sweet,
Like licking your face and stomping your feet.
Yet Wendi and John are glad he’s around,
He’s not near as bad as the Baskerville hound!
We smile cuz he’s good with the boys,
He eats their spilled food and won’t chew their toys;
He’s real photogenic and oh so good-looking;
(But mugshots precede a criminal booking!)
Yes, this is my ode to a really fine dog,
He truly is great (when he sleeps like a log.)
We love him as much as we possibly could,
Shhh…the house is still standing, so all knock on wood!
I did it!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Happy birthday Grama!
Yesterday I had an idea. The babysitters were coming at 11:30. From the time we got up until 11:30, I would wear Scrubs out so much he'd have choice but to behave for the babysitters.
So from 7am when we went on a family run until 11:25 when the babysitters came through our front door, I did everything in my power to not let Scrubs lie down. Tired? Too bad. Get up. Follow me into this room. Chase the flashlight three times. Frisbee in the front yard. Rings. Rings again. Rings the next time. (That was the time he looked at me as if to say I cannot possibly jump for those rings one more darned time.)
By the time the babysitters arrived, Scrubby was, to say the least, horribly exhausted. He was intrigued by the guests but you could tell his body just desperately wanted a nap -- the nap I had interrupted him from every second I could that morning.
The result: Scrubs was a perfect doggie for the babysitters. We tell the babysitters they can leave him in the kitchen the entire time. But they didn't. They let him out. And they said that he spent the majority of the time following Isaac looking for dropped cheerios and taking a nap next to them on the floor! Holy cow. He did real, bonafide dogs things for the babysitters. He's been doing that for us over the last few months. But for the guests? Not an easy feat.
Unless you are so plum tuckered out you can't possibly manage to misbehave!
What a good plan, Wendi. (If I do say so myself.)
No church again
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Julie & Julia
Julie & Julia was a fantastic movie. One of the best movies I have seen in recent memory. I strongly recommend it to anyone and everyone. Fairly family friendly but probably more of adult interest. It was especially fun to watch as a tall woman. Julia Child was a very tall woman in her era and it was a fun part of the movie. I could feel her attempt to meld into a life she always felt too big for.
It was also a movie which dealt with infertility. I had no idea that would be the case. I had no idea that Julia Child was childless.
The inclusion was slight. A second glance when a woman walked by pushing a stroller. A letter from a pregnant family member. Whoever wrote those scenes must have dealt with infertility. They were incredibly well done. A perfect representation of scenes that played themselves out in my own marriage, in our home, many times during our five year journey. I could feel her pain so vividly. Both JB and I could.
To my friends struggling with infertility, my personal opinion is that while the scenes will cause you to tear up, this is a movie that will not hurt you emotionally. I think it will provide you encouragement as to the happiness that can exist in marriage despite the heartache that can accompany it. I think it will encourage you to see Hollywood so accurately represent an infertile woman's pain. They really got it.
All right, on to less deep stuff . . .
Our babysitters were wonderful. The boys (including Scrubs) were all behaved and loved on a lot while we were gone. It was a great afternoon out with my husband. We realized that other than our brief dinner out while in Colorado, this is the first time we have left both boys and gone out together since Brittney R. still lived here! Way too long.
For now ... I must move into the dining room. Dinner is served!
Bon appetit!
Date day
Yeah. It's true. We are signed up for scuba diving. It's official.
I always said I would be one of those moms who hired a babysitter and got out of the house and did stuff. I haven't done a very good job. JB and I were hoping to do dates once a week. Then we were shooting for once a month. Even that hasn't happened. I cannot tell you the last time we went out. But we are going today and we have a dinner out planned on Thursday this next week as well. So, go us!
Looking forward to an afternoon out with my guy. Way fun!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Today . . .
Went for a run this morning. It was a good run. Humid. Three miles. Not too hot. Didn't have to put the shades over the boys. That was nice. I could watch them during my run. Scrubs ran well. As usual lately. He's become a pro at trotting next to the stroller. I barely know he is there.
After the run, I stopped at the park by our house. My friend Heather came out of her house with her little boy Sam. She brought me a glass of water. I didn't realize how thirsty I was till I drank the whole glass in a matter of seconds. Hit the spot.
Sam and Isaac played. Sam went down the slide. Isaac followed. That's the first time he's gone down the slide unassisted.
Growing up.
She told me about a friend of her's. They are going to be holding a "Celebration of Life" party. Their son has been diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a genetic disorder not compatible with life. This means that while he may survive until birth, he will, without a miracle, die soon after birth -- maybe hours. Maybe days. Maybe months.
I quickly reflected back to a blog I followed online for quite some time. The story of Eliot. If you get a chance, take a moment to watch this video which walks you through the 99 days of Eliot's life. You will cry. Be warned. But it is beautiful. Moving.
When you watch it, maybe you too will have a day like I had. A day where you count your blessings. Where you remember that life is not easy. That it isn't always fair. That it is hard. That while we are going about the mundane tasks of our seemingly ordinary days, others are grieving losses and carrying pain and hurting. Badly.
I walked back to my house after my talk with Heather. I walked back pushing my two little boys in my double stroller. As I write this now, Isaac just came running up to me, holding one of his blocks. He's recently discovered that they have pictures on them. He found one of a "ball." He set it on my desk and ran back into the living room to discover further. He returned moments later with another ball. This time a baseball.
It is hard for me to believe. Hard for me to believe after all the years, all the pain, all the tears, all the heartache, that I am a mom. That I have not one little boy but two little boys. When did this happen? When did things change so quickly?
I lost many embryos during our journey through IVF. But I never miscarried. I never faced a negative diagnosis for a child I was carrying. I have never carried that grief. How do you carry that grief? How do you stay strong?
Somehow, faith, a belief, a trust that He is bigger than this Earth. That His plans are mightier. That He knows better.
Today, I value my pain. I know that my pain helps me to understand others. To encourage. To listen. To cry.
But my pain seems so small. So insignificant. So trivial in light of the pain of others.
May we all remember today that there are others needing our prayers, our support, our encouragement, our friendship. May we remember that while our life may be coasting in a good direction, others are facing the most difficult moments of their lives.
May we never forget the hurting people. The widows. The orphans. The childless. The broken. May they never be far from our hearts.
Thanks Heather for reminding me of that.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A few details
- It's 5pm and both boys are asleep. This means one thing: Little House on the Prairie. I love this show!
- Isaac said the word "Minnie" today. As in Minnie Mouse. Of all the words to say. Other new words include "knee", and "popple" (for pineapple). He is also saying "Mommy" and appearing to know what it means.
- Scrubs and I have been playing Frisbee in the front yard during any moment when both boys are asleep. Our street is pretty dead in the middle of the day. I'm excited about this because we haven't played much Frisbee since Bobbie and her family moved out and we lost our place to go to at the bay. Scrubs catches the Frisbee about ten times and then he takes it and runs to the back door, as if to say, "That's it. I'm whooped. Give me some air conditioning."
- We had to take our van to the shop today as the steering wheel has been shaking. It's quite a chore getting to the two boys into the Saturn. But it is possible (if we sit with our knees in our throats). Diagnosis: we need new tires. I guess it could be worse!
- All right, I am actually posting this at 7pm after we went to pick up the van again until our tires come in. But I did get to watch most of Little House!
Email woes
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Cabin Fever
So we've been in the house now since Sunday. Both boys are still running low-grade fevers and are incredibly congested with coughs and runny noses. In addition, yesterday, their Mom (aka "me") started feeling pretty cruddy as well. The only activity we had been doing outside the house was my daily run, but obviously, since I am now a bit on the down-and-out, that isn't something we are doing either. So, we are all bonding at home. Cabin fever anyone?
This 'bout of illness just so happened to fall on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday -- JB's 13-hour days this week. He leaves before 7 and gets home around 8. That's a long time for a sick mom to take care of two sick boys.
I snagged this video of Isaac earlier today. I had to do it on the sly. If he sees me taking a video, he often stops what he is doing and just tries to get the camera. This video cracks me up for a number of reasons:
- It illustrates Isaac's new hobby: spinning in circles. He started this yesterday. I think he likes the fact that he gets dizzy. But he doesn't understand the extent of his dizziness. Yesterday, he flew into the exersaucer and hit his head. I try to explain to him that spinning equals dizziness, but he just thinks it's the greatest thing ever.
- It also shows Isaac with one shoe on. This later moved to two shoes and then no shoes and just socks. He randomly finds his socks or shoes and insists that he wear them.
- It also pictures Isaac's random infatuation with the dog, Scrubs' patience, and his desire to be left alone.
- And ... you can hear a bit of the crankiness evident in our household with Elijah in the background.
So there you have it! This is the cabin fever currently present in the Kit. home. I think you'll feel like you're stuck here with us if you watch it!
Just like big brother
Fast forward a few months to his little brother, Elijah, who, at six months old, discovered that the same game was pretty fun:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Full speed ahead
Excessive cleaning up
Isaac thought this was fantastic. He has begun finding anything and everything and putting it in his toy basket and then finding me, wherever I am, and making the sign for "thank you" which now seems to mean "Look Mom, I put something in the basket."
I found his milk cup in there this morning ... and now we know where to look when we can't find the remote conrtol.
I have made my scuba decision
Monday, August 17, 2009
Two boys + two fevers
Lights in the kitchen
Raining dog annoyances
Transitioning to Scrubs, I am having a heck of a time with him and Isaac. It isn't the dog that is the problem. It's Isaac. He follows Scrubs everywhere. He climbs on him. He lays on him. He rolls trucks over him. He runs behind him holding his tail. He lays next to him. He lays under him. He lays on top of him. Yesterday, it got so bad, we put Scrubs in the kitchen to give him a break. I caught Isaac with his face plastered against the gate begging Scrubs to lick his face -- to which Scrubs was happily obliging. Scrubs knows he shouldn't lick or take food from Isaac. But when Isaac asks him to lick or shoves food in his face, what is a dog to do?
Scrubs shows amazing patience. But he is unable to get any rest anywhere. I don't want to gate him in the kitchen as he hasn't done anything wrong. How do I explain to a dog that I am putting him there for his own good? One thing I am doing -- if Scrubs is sleeping on his couch bed in the kitchen, I am telling Isaac he is not allowed to bother the dog. That seems to be working okay. At least Scrubs can get a tiny bit of rest. I am slowly teaching Isaac the appropriate times to bug Scrubs and the not-so-appropriate (when he is sleeping.) Isaac is starting to get it. But man he just loves playing with that dog.
I cannot even imagine how overwhelmed Scrubs will be when Elijah begins toddling behind him as well. I may need to make him a bed in our bedroom or somewhere else that he can rest completely undisturbed. The good thing about all of this is that Scrubs really isn't very hyper at all anymore. I think he spends so much of his day being woken up from naps that he stays pretty groggy most of the day!
Well, off to read some books to my eldest boy while the rain pounds outside. Enjoy the dreary Monday everyone.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Waiting on Claudette
We are supposed to have a Tropical Storm coming through ... the news made it sound like it would be here by dinner time. It's nearly 9:30, and it hasn't come on shore yet even though we lost power for about three hours. Apparently it slowed down quite a bit in the Gulf. JB and I are heading to bed. I guess the rain and winds will pound us while we are sleeping and we'll find out how things went in the morning.
In other news, we were unable to try a new church today as planned. Both boys have some really runny noses. In addition, Isaac appeared to be running a low-grade fever. (We didn't check it because the power was out, and it was going to be a pain to try to take his fever by lantern. But he felt quite warm.) He was also quite cranky today. So, hopefully, we can do some church shopping next week instead. I was really excited about starting to look as we have been out-of-town or had company since we had our last Sunday at Crossway forever ago. I assume Isaac picked something up at one of the play-times we had last week. I took him to McDonalds on Wednesday one day to play, Kidzone on Thursday (with Andrea and Joia's MOPs group), and an open gym at a local gymnastics center with a few other gals I'm friends with here on Friday. Probably a bit too much germs for his system to combat. And then he decided to give it to his brother.
All right. Heading to bed. I'll let you all know about the storm when I wake up in the morning!
A forward worth forwarding
Here's your chance to let the media know where the people stand on our faith in God, as a nation. NBC is presently taking a poll on "In God We Trust" to stay on our American currency. Click here to participate.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
All Fall Down

Friday, August 14, 2009
Calling all scuba divers
JB has scuba dived many times but many moons ago. He loved it. Talked about it a lot. I have never scuba dived. I've snorkeled. But that's about as far as my water experience goes.
Now we have booked tickets to Mexico. November. The boys will be staying with my parents. Everything is planned.
JB is attending another Wilderness Medicine Conference there. I'm going with. Staying in a resort. Our first vacation without the kids. We are excited about it. It's a conference on dive medicine. How to help people injured while diving.
While there, JB wants to go diving.
Sigh . . .
He wants me to go with him.
We'd talked about it. I'd agree, with trepidation, to do it. But now? Hearing about the classes ... that they were real ... made me rethink things. He used the words, "Open water dive," and I just got a bit freaked out.
I disappointed JB. Told him I didn't want to do it.
Firstly is the fact that I am scared of diving. I'm not sure why. I love the ocean. I swim well. I grew up around water. But being so deep. Being with creatures. I just get scared when I think about it. What if my air runs out? What if I can't get back to the surface? What if I have to go into one of those hyperbaric chambers or something? What if the boat leaves me in the middle of the ocean like in that one movie?
I'm also afraid that I'll be horrible at it. That I'll fail the quizzes. That I'll be the class moron. Seems silly to not do something because you think you'll be bad at it. But that's how I feel.
I always considered myself adventurous. Willing to try new things. Maybe I was lying to myself. This is a new thing. And I don't feel very adventurous about it.
That isn't my only reason for not being sure. There is the fact that the class is two weekends in a row. Four to six hours on back to-back Saturdays and Sundays. JB told me he'd handle finding people to watch the kids, but that's a lot of time to be away from them and ask people to help. We have numerous babysitting options, but it just seems like a lot.
And it costs money. I'm pretty cheap. Don't want to spend the money on something I'm not sure I'll like.
JB says I'll like it, but he doesn't want to beg me. He wants me to do it with him because I want to.
I know I'll regret it if I don't do it. If I don't take the class in the next two months then when we get to Mexico, JB can go diving, but I can't. I know I'll regret that. I just can't get myself to be okay with it. And I want to be okay with it.
So I write this to see if there are any scuba divers amongst my blog readers. I guess I need some encouragement that diving isn't scary. That it's beautiful and majestic and freeing like JB tells me it is.
If you have horror stories, please keep them to yourself.
My mind is already generating enough of those.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Elijah speaks
Normally, my Mommy always has me in onesies. She says this is because my belly is so big that shirts roll up on me. Don't worry. This doesn't hurt my feelings. I know that as I start walking, I'll get ribs like my big brother. But for now, onesies it is. This basketball outfit was a special treat. I really liked it.
Here is a picture of me with one of my girlfriends (I have a lot), Moriah, at McDonald's yesterday. You can tell from the picture how excited I am to get to sit next to her.
Here's a picture I stole from Ms. Joia's blog. It is a picture of everyone that was at the lunch. Except for Joia that is. She was taking the picture!
I'm sure I'll come back to write more later, but right now, it is time for my afternoon nap. I think big brother and I are going to take one at the same time since this makes Mommy very happy. It was great talking to you all. Oh, and Mommy asked me to wish Lesley a Happy Birthday too. Happy Birthday Lesley. We can't wait to see you again.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Scrubby on the up-n-up

Speaking of Scrubs, Isaac has been following him around like a magnet. Scrubs keeps moving, and Isaac keeps following him. Yesterday after our run, Scrubs wanted to rest on the cool tile. Isaac wanted to roll his dump truck over him. Scrubs kept getting up and looking at me desperately, as if waiting for me to tell him where he could rest undisturbed. He finally curled up behind the high chair, as safe a spot as he could find. Isaac tried to climb behind there, but at that, I stepped in, determined to allow Scrubby some rest. I also watched as Isaac sat on his back yesterday, like a horse. Scrubs just gave a deep sigh and allowed the behavior. Good dog.
That reminds me of this story I posted on my blog awhile back about a dog looking everywhere for a quiet place to rest. I am afraid that our once hyper and now older dog may be looking for the same thing very soon.
Getting bigger
Here's a photo after our run. Isaac is saying: "Mom, we have parked. That means you are supposed to get me out ... not take no stinkin' picture!" Elijah is saying: "Holy cow! That was one of the coolest things I have ever done. Is this what I've been missing for six months while I've been riding backwards in that dumb carseat?"
JB wandered home around 8pm last night. I managed to keep both boys awake so they could see Daddy for a few minutes. Isaac was so tired he was spastic. I'd never seen him bop around so much. He didn't sit still for a second. Both JB and I wondered if this is what our lives would be like if we had a hyper Isaac instead of a calm one. I guess so! Daddy then let me go to bed around 9pm and gave Elijah his last bottle. What a blessing. I really needed the sleep.
Today, the wifia is meeting for lunch at McDonalds. It will be nice to catch up with everyone as we have all been running in different directions during the summer months. This is also JB's last 7:30 night for the week. Thursday and Friday should be slightly earlier, and he has the whole weekend off!
Well Elijah is ready to go down for his morning nap and Isaac is just waking up. Gotta run!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Our afternoon
Look closely and you'll see Elijah's two teeth and Isaac showing you where his belly button is! Again, this may be more than some of you want to see but for those with Grama-like curiosity, enjoy!
Elijah good; Scrubby not-so-good
Scrubby is still broken out in hives. We've taken out stock in Benadryl. Yesterday I think we gave him a bit too much as he was not acting himself at all. So we've cut back today. We are going to give it 1 or 2 more days and then we'll probably take him into the vet. We just don't know what could be bothering him. At least his face isn't swollen. Poor pup.
I'd like to go for a run today but it is 101 right now. So we'll see if later this evening things look better. JB not getting off until 7:30pm is quite a bummer. I managed to keep the boys up to see him but just for a few minutes. What a long day for him. This afternoon we stopped by to see him after Elijah's therapy appointment so they could all see each other while everyone was awake.
Had something happen to me in the parking lot outside the hospital today as we prepared to go in and see JB. Someone zipped in front of me to take my spot. This has never happened to me, even when I lived in Ft. Lauderdale. I had my turn signal on, was waiting, and this other guy shook his finger at me and zipped in. I was soooo angry. I really contemplated saying something but knew that later JB would tell me confronting a man in a parking lot is not wise. So I bit my tongue and found a new spot.
Not sure I have ever been that upset behind the wheel before. I can't believe a guy would do that a woman! How rude!
If you have a moment . . .
Monday, August 10, 2009
Lotsa Bummers
Scrubs still has poision ivy or some sort of hives.
Big bummer.
Wendi had to give Scrubs a bath.
Bigger bummer.
JB has headed back to an OB rotation.
Big time bummer.
Wendi has found out that the OB rotation now has extended hours: 7:30am until 7:30pm.
Biggest bummer of all.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Poison Ivy?
Unfortunately, the hives got much worse after I took this picture, but after even more Benadryl, seem to be improving a bit. JB went out to inspect the yard. There is one spot that Scrubs has been lying down in a lot this past week. JB is pretty sure that there was a vine running through that spot which was poison ivy. We aren't sure, but we think this might be what happened to our Scrubs. We'll keep an eye on him. Please pray we don't have to take him to the vet! Hopefully the morning will bring a new Scrubby. Right now we are keeping him isolated from the kids as this can be passed to humans. Poor guy!
Oh Scrubbarino!
P.S. No pictures for now. Scrubs is a little embarrassed and doesn't want anyone to see him like this.
Just some fun photos
Gracie does a great job holding her cousin Elijah. She really helps entertain him when he gets overcome by emotion!
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Tent Time
Friday, August 07, 2009
Family, Doc & Shots
This afternoon, we had doctor's appointments with Dr. G. for both Isaac (15 month) and Elijah (6 month.) Isaac is weighing 24 pounds. Elijah is 22 pounds. Isaac is in the 60th percentile basically across the board. Elijah is in the 90th-100th percentile in nearly every category as well. Elijah's head is also two inches bigger than his big brother's. No surprise there. Elijah has a big head! Dr. G. took a good look at Isaac's legs and said that his bow legs were within the realm of normal and not something to worry about. She also said not to worry that Elijah's eating has not returned to normal post-Colorado. She said it is probably more related to growth spurts then it is anything else.
After the check-ups, I went and got both the boys their shots by myself. I was very proud of myself for this as I have only ever taken one boy at a time. Normally, they do not allow you to bring a stroller into the shot room which has always been a concern of mine. I decided to bring the stroller to the door and let them tell me how I should do it without the stroller. The guy working the desk took one look at both little boys and said, "No strollers." I nodded and asked him very kindly how he suggested I hold both boys at the same time. He stood there a minute and said, "I guess we'll make an exception." Yippee. If that wouldn't have worked, one of my friends was in the lobby, and she had offered to help me, but I told her I was really going to see if they'd let me take both boys in at the same time. And they did. Yay!
Isaac has had a fabulous time playing with his cousins, especially because cousin Nate brought some very cool cars for him to play with. Scrubby has been an excellent boy with all the new company as well. Right now JB is home from work making some meat to grill out with. It should be a nice weekend with the fam in town.
Quit nagging! I'll post some pictures soon!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Video of our condo in Colorado
Home from Colorado; Prepping for Company
In addition, I have been fighting a nasty headache since our return from Colorado. JB is pretty sure it's hormonally based which is not unusual for me, but this is one of the worst I have ever had. We had to resort to a couple of really potent migraine medications which I can only take when JB is home because they so completely knock me on my rear end. Hopefully this week will bring an end to the pounding.
On Monday I had an appointment in the morning. On Tuesday, we had Elijah's physical therapy appointment. To my great delight Ms. Jenny said that we'd discuss next week dropping to once-a-month appointments. Hurrah! She said Elijah is doing fabulously. I'm so excited about this.
On Wednesday, wifia lunch was cancelled due to an abundance of people out-of-town and sick. I opted instead for a play date with my friend Kristen who lives behind us. Her daughter Addison is nearly exactly Isaac's age. They had a great time playing with all the new toys at Addison's house. I need to take a picture of the two of them. Addison is quite a cutie!
Today, JB is going to take at least one boy with him to do some shopping when he gets off of workso I can get some stuff done around the house before the late evening arrival of our family. He said he may also go for a run with all three boys.
Speaking of runs, I tried that yesterday. I went at 9:30 when my head seems to hurt the least, but it was so hot Elijah lost it midway through the run and begged me to take him home. I took a short-cut as after my trip to Colorado (which was runless due to the elevation), I wasn't doing so good myself.
Lots of pictures will follow I am sure as the cousins get to hang out during a long weekend!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Perfect devotional
Sit quietly in my presence while I bless you. Make your mind like a still pool of water, ready to receive whatever thoughts I drop into it. Rest in My sufficiency, as you consider the challenges this day presents. Do not wear yourself out by worrying about whether you can cope with the pressures. Keep looking to Me and communicating with Me, as we walk through this day together.
Take time to rest by the wayside, for I am not in a hurry. A leisurely pace accomplishes more than hurried striving. When you rush, you forget who you are and whose you are. Remember that you are royalty in My kingdom.
Psalms 37:7; Romans 8:16-17; 1 Peter 2:9 [Jesus Calling]