Friday, January 20, 2012

0 degrees

It's zero degrees (celsius) here. (About 30 degrees Fahrenheit.) And our little sick Abigail didn't love having to get all bundled up to go out for dinner with a visiting physician. 

And me? I am wondering HOW IN THE WORLD I lived in Minnesota for four years. This is not even really cold at all compared to Minnesota. And yet, I'm frigid. I don't want to go outside. I pace and fret when the boys yell to me upstairs that they opened the door and let Scrubs out and wonder how I am going to find him when JB took the van and it is so cold outside.

How did I survive a day 60 degrees colder than it is here today? It was actually back in December of 2005 that I wrote this post on how to survive a -29 degree day. Truly. Honestly. How DID I survive?

I vividly remember the first time I experienced "feels like" -40. I went outside without a hat on. I tried to start my car. It cried. Literally cried. And I grabbed the steering wheel and put my forehead to it and said out loud, "I canNOT do this for four years."

But I did. Thank goodness. And I don't plan to EVER do it again.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Oh, that is cold!!! You will be warmer soon as you get to FL.