Now before I continue, I must explain. This post is designed for all of my family and friends that have not chosen (for some bizarre reason) to call Minnesota their home. I know I have some faithful readers who are hiding from the cold right along with me this weekend in the Polar North.
I also know that I have vowed to make 2006 a year of complaint-free weather comments. But then I remembered: My blog is called Life in the Polar North. If I don't share this life, what kind of disservice am I doing my readers? So I have decided to change my mind. I need to report the weather. To share facts is not to complain. Now if it just so happens that the facts I am sharing are interpreted as complaining (because WHO THE HECK could take them any other way?) I really cannot help that.
Tonight it is going to be -21 (without windchill). My cousin Sarah asked us what we were going to do to celebrate JB finishing his surgery rotation. I told her we are going to stay in our house and attempt to stay warm. We are even contemplating skipping church Sunday. I think God understands as there is a warning that if you expose your skin to the cold for more than 10 minutes, you are risking frostbite. The weather channel describes our weekend forecast as: "Bitterly cold. Generally fair skies. Dangerous wind chills may approach -40F." I am not sure exactly what "fair" skies means. However, I am not sure anything can have a negative sign in it and still be referred to as fair.
Anyways, we plan to enjoy the fair skies from inside our home.
No complaints, just facts.
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