Keep reading to find out why these jeans are NOT good!
Okay, now recently, I have shared with a few very close friends a very personal secret. I have a new passion.
I have now decided that it is time to share this with the world. My new passion is fashion.
Now I must explain myself. I am not saying that I am some sort of fashion professional. Far from it. I want to repeat this! I am not a fashion professional. I am sure you will see me very soon wearing something very unfashionable.
However, I have recently become fairly obsessed with fashion, more so, learning to wear the right things for the right body shapes. This started when I was teaching. I would watch my female students wear things that just didn't fit them right and made them look so much heavier than they were. Or instead of accentuating their great parts, they would accentuate their not-so-great parts. An example of this is perfectly illustrated below:

These jeans were featured on a special that Oprah had on wearing the right jeans. Oprah calls this the Dunlap Syndrome because, "That's when your stomach 'done lap' over your jeans." I cannot tell you how many times I saw a girl wearing Dunlap jeans. I wanted to grab her and shake her and say, "Honey, what are you doing? These pants don't fit you!"
So I thought I would give you some examples of my new passions. Below are some pictures from Oprah's special:

The ice cream cone!
Okay this is what I am talking about when I say that I am learning something with this new passion. Oprah's guests actually said that no one should wear these ice cream shaped jeans. Tapered denim actually accentuates the size of the hips!
Now here's where this is interesting. We have all seen this. We have all realized that it looks bad. However, how many of us knew why it looked bad? That's what interests me.
I know that my buddy Kristi in New Mexico is reading this right now laughing her head off yelling, "Who is this crazy girl!" I mean, when I came to WKU in 1995, I was guilty of every fashion sin imaginable. I have since learned a lot and am learning more with my new passion. I know, this is so unlike me. But I am really into this stuff. (If you are still reading at this point in the blog you are probably a female and probably only doing it to see how far off the deep end I have actually jumped!)
Okay, look, stay with me here. Take a look at these two pictures below. Each of these is a before and after photo. Do you see how just wearing the right pair of jeans makes you look thinner without doing anything different but wearing the right style?
All right, so tune in next week for more fashion tips! I hope I didn't smother any of you but I just think that it is about time that I quit hiding this part of my life from the world.
Next week, in memory of my wonderful birthday conversation with Tara, Erin, and Lesley, I will discuss turtlenecks. Why "just because you like them" doesn't mean you should wear them.
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