So, after weeks of prodding, I finally acquiesced. I have decided to write an entry for Wendi’s blog. That is right. This is not Wendi. This is John. Please, hold your gasps of horror, Wendi is alive and well. Please subdue your worries of boredom, I may actually be interesting, too. Just maybe.
I have been given some ground rules, though. I am not allowed to write about anything political. Actually, that is the only ground rule. Wendi said something about not wanting her blog to become a soapbox for dogmatic ranting … or something like that. Whatever. She did say I could write about fashion. I don’t think so.
That left me with a dilemma. What should I write about on the first blog post of my life? This actually troubled me for some time. It is a rather important event. One day little kids will run up to an old man (me) and ask, “Do you remember your first blog?” I want to have an answer that is profound, something that has a potential to shape those young minds. To make them stop and think to themselves, “Why do old people always smell like sour milk?” But right after that they would think, “I have just been inspired to change the world!”
Okay, who am I kidding? I have never heard those words from an old man. I don’t think words from mere mortals could ever be that monumental. Alas, I will have to answer those little kids, “My first blog post was about my first blog post.” A quizzical look will contort their faces, and they would think, “No, it is not really sour milk. It is more like musty bread.” But then they would think, “Hey, that is kind of cool (or whatever hip slang has permeated youth vocabulary by then).”
Now, Wendi is probably reading this wondering why she ever asked me to contribute to her colossal electronic endeavor… hovering her mouse over the DELETE button saying to herself, “Why didn’t he just write about the new spring line from New York and Company?” But, I have to admit, this is fun. I have decided to make occasional visits to the site. However, in the future, I plan to pontificate about something with substance, something… educational! You have been warned. Till then…
I have often wondered how Wendi can think of something interesting every time she writes. It's harder than it looks right John?
It was good to hear from you and see your face.
oops no name came up on the last one....it was from the mother in law...so is this one.....
Deep, really deep John...did you have the Dictionary handy while you were writing this piece, thesaurus? Good stuff. Idea: Maybe you can write about the time you brought an actual human skull into my living room while visiting...and made me touch it.
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