Friday, January 13, 2012

too tall

I vividly remember the day that this picture was taken. And I vividly remember the moment that this picture was taken. These were my preschool teachers in Chicago where we lived when I was four. This would have been in 1981. Each of the teachers took turns holding up each of the children in the class for a photo. I remember being excited that they would hold me when it was my turn. And then, when it came to be my turn, they decided that because I was so tall, they would kneel down to take a photo of me.

I was crushed! I remember feeling crushed and disappointed.

I didn't know it, but my mom says she remembers this moment too. As a mom now myself, I can understand why she would. You don't want to see your children hurt. You don't want to see them treated differently.

I think about this a lot with my children. Elijah is not even three. But he is big. I often forget that he is not as old as Isaac. It is vital that I remember how old he is not how old he looks. And that I encourage others to do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are the moments in life that have made you the compassionate person you are. xo Linda