Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sharing some snaps
No random order here; just some pictures to keep you up-to-date on our life. We are having a wonderful time with Big Keith, AD, and Charleigh. AD is leaving tomorrow morning, but I get Keith and Charleigh for nearly an entire week! Yipeee!
Joan this is one of the outfits you bought the boys! I love it! It was the first day that it was warm enough to wear it. (Check out how happy Isaac is that I am taking this picture.) Doesn't he look so old!
I had thought that Scrubs would be permanently attached to Isaac, but it appears that he and Elijah are developing an equally strong bond.
Charleigh showing off her "Fairy in Training" outfit. We didn't let the boys wear this one.
Fun with the mirror at the Chik-Fil-A play land.
More mirror fun. Elijah surprised me at Chik-Fil-A by taking the top off of my chicken salad sandwich. I couldn't find it at first and then discovered him smothering his face in the top piece of bread.
This is what Elijah does every time he sees a mirror. Is this normal? I don't remember Isaac doing this.
I think he is mad at himself.
Doesn't look like he is checking out this grown-up's behind? He really is just taking off his socks.
Moments before the big kids practically knocked him over. The sign says 3-and-under, but that obviously wasn't followed closely.
My boys in the outfits Joni bought them when she was visiting. I know this isn't a great picture of any of us but it was the closest I could get, well, that AD could get, to a picture of all of us together to show off their outfits.
Isaac actually shared his "Bubby" with his cousin! She was quite excited about it!
Putting something in her mouth. A popular activity with the kiddos.
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Thank you Wen! I am good for a day or two now!!! Missing you guys-even Scrubby! Mom
Is that Chick-fila in FWB? I had NO idea "under 3" was posted. Ther is a height measurment on the door. We told our children last time that soon they would not be able to play. We always tell them to be VERY MINDFUL of the "little guys".
I think the mirror thing is normal.
I love Isaac crawling in the window! :)
LIsa, yes FWB. I don't have a problem with older kids being in there though if they are calm or being watched. These kids didn't have parents watching and were just wild.
I have never seen the age sign. W ate at a CF Mon. in GA on Mon. The sing on the door was 54 inches and inside on the rules it read
"48". E and B are a little over 50 inches. What's mom to do? We played...with control...and for only a short time. I am always watching! :)
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