Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I finally found the guts, strength, ability, words ... to write a letter to the family of Nelly, the woman who died on our scuba trip in Mexico.

Yesterday I received an email from Nelly's husband. He wrote of their sadness and attempt to cope. He also thanked us for being with Nelly in her final moments. He and their sons are in counseling, and he wrote that he hoped to have more communication with me in the future.

I had hoped that hearing from him would make me feel better. But in fact, it just reminded me that what had happened last November really happened. While I went on living my own life, Nelly did not. Her family definitely has not. They are going to live without her for the rest of their days on earth.

Her husband said he would contact me in the future again when "his spirit was stronger." I pray that John and I are able to offer him any closure that he may possibly need on this very sad story.

If you think of it, please say another prayer for Nelly's husband and two young sons.

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