I spent the day getting some work done for RLS, taking Scrubs and Isaac to the bay, working on Christmas cards, and trying to start making and working on a list of things we need to do before Elijah joins our home. Joia and Andrea both going three weeks early has even calm, cool, and collected JB a little flustered! ;) If I were to go three weeks early, I'd be going in three weeks! We are not ready for that. Of course, this is my first delivery and it was both of their seconds. Hopefully that means I'll be closer to on-time.
As much as I am ready to get this little guy's feet out of my ribs, going early would mean less time with Isaac, less time for preparation, and more gaps when I do not have help present. I took a breast feeding class the other day and the lady running the classes first question to me was "Are you going to have help when this baby comes?" Uh, yeah. Does she think I am crazy! We are blessed that my mother-in-law, Joan, and my mom are all going to spend some time here with us. In addition, Tara and Lesley are also hoping to get to spend some time here with their men by their sides. What a blessing to have great family and friends.
Last night I decided to tag along with Philip, Joia, and their now two children to the annual resident Christmas party (held at my doctor's house -- Dr. G.) Our families were actually the only representatives from the second year class! There were a TON of people there and it was difficult to maneuver through the masses. At one point, an anonymous three-year-old came up to Isaac, grabbed his little Dalmatian dog, and went running. I had no idea who she was, where she came from, or where she went with his favorite toy. It took me nearly five minutes to find her in a back bedroom, dog in hand. She did relinquish rights easily, however, which made me feel less badly about tracking her down!
Leave it to Joia to snap some shots of our evening. Here are a few pics (stolen from her blog).
Following the party, I headed up to the residency room to see JB. He had a few free minutes, and Isaac and I hung out with him as well as the other resident on call -- a first year and his wife. We were glad to get to spend a few free minutes as a family.
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