Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving 2005
JB and I were heavy into infertility treatments and living in Rochester, Minnesota where JB was attending medical school. We went to Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with my Dad's family -- including my Grama Huisman.

Thanksgiving 2006
JB and I had just suffered another failed IVF attempt. We spent a low-key Thanksgiving with the Ray family while living in Minnesota.

Thanksgiving 2007
We were now living on Eglin AFB, Florida. We had just gotten word of our adoption of Isaac, and my parents and brother and his new wife had driven up from South Florida to spent the holiday with us.

Thanksgiving 2008
Thanksgiving at our house included, for the first time ever, one of our children. Isaac was just a few months old. We had dinner with my parents (who had driven up), our friends the Dooleys, and our good friends John and Becky Connors (who were traversing infertility along with us.) I was very pregnant as Elijah "Sidge" was due in January.

Thanksgiving 2009
JB's parents, his sister Elizabeth (and her husband Grant), and JB's brother Ray (and his wife Gabbi and kids Nate and Grace) joined us for Thanksgiving. We now had two little boys in our family!

Thanksgiving 2010
Our first time eating TURKEY in TURKEY! We had dinner with some great new friends (Yerrington, Jones, and Stebbins!) I think our friend Erin and the Beaudoins stopped by as well? I had just found I was pregnant with Abigail.

Thanksgiving 2011
We had a GIANT Thanksgiving outside in our carport with about 30 people in attendance!

Thanksgiving 2012
We now live in the Azores and I am going through IVF. Shane and Linda flew over from Germany to have Thanksgiving with us and the Seeligers also joined us. Aunt Connie was living with us at the time.

Thanksgiving 2013
Shane and Linda fly in again for our fourth-straight Thanksgiving together. Grampa and Grama Kit. lived there with us.

Thanksgiving 2014
Thanksgiving #10 on the Blog! My parents drove up from South Florida and JB's brother, Ray and his family joined us as well for our first of many Tennessee holidays!

Thanksgiving 2015
I don't have it on the Blog but Ray and Gabbi and family drove over and joined us for the day. Dad and Mom went to visit their daughter Elizabeth.

And here we are today! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

John and Becky are here again! Here are our six children!


Anonymous said...

small addition and adjustment to the list in case some discussion comes up about 'who was where' 20 yrs from now (hope I'm around to discuss!:)) Dad and I were with you all in the Azores also(2013) and though present 'in spirit', we were physically in SC last year with Elizabeth and Grant and Matt and Danielle; while Ray,Gabbi and kids were with you at the farm. At least I think this is accurate:)xo

Aunt Connie said...

2012 I was there too :(
auntie connie