Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sleepy JB

JB was initially sad that I was leaving for Fort Lauderdale. Even though he encouraged me to go originally, when I drove away on Monday morning, he was regretting the decision. No more. I spoke with him for a few minutes this morning. After working all night, he finally got home around 10:30am. He has to be back in by 6pm that evening. That means if he goes to sleep immediately, he has 7.5 hours of time to sleep. This does not count any eating, chores, or showering that might be need to be done before a return to an evening of nights. Needless to say, this morning he told me it is a good thing I was gone since he would never see me, and instead of being frustrated with a dog out of his element, I'd be frustrated with a husband out of his element.

Yesterday while walking Scrubs around my parents' neighborhood, another neighbor with a dog asked me if I ever took him to the dogpark. I asked him which park he was referring to, and he directed me to a dogpark not 2 miles from my parents' home. I took him out there this morning (the dog not the neighbor). There weren't any other dogs, but he had a wonderful time running and fetching a tennis ball, finally trying to take a nap at the park. He just woke up now, three hours after the return from the park. I may even head out there two times a day with as close as it is.

Last night I had dinner at Ray & Gabbi's. Gabbi made a great chili. It was wonderful. As a reminder, Ray is JB's younger brother. He and JB's older sister Elizabeth are the only two siblings living in town currently. Robbie is in college in Central Florida, Matt is in Iraq, and Katie is on Catalina Island. Mom and Dad Kit. were there also. Great to see them all. They gave me a rundown of things I need to know as I am going to watch Nate and Grace on Friday and Saturday while Ray & Gabbi take some time away in Orlando for the evening. My mom is going to help me with Scrubs as managing him in a foreign environment with two kids might be a little much. My mom is awesome! She hasn't been feeling so well while I have been here, but today she said things are looking up.

The other important item of note is that it is currently 78 degrees in Fort Lauderdale. Eglin is 48 and good ol' Roch is weighing in at 4 degrees. Yikes! My goodness. Four degrees?! Did I really live there for four years. Wow. Four degrees. Enough said.

Tara, I'm sorry for the absence of photos. I'll try to think of something. I know this is painful for you. Good luck handling it for two weeks. I know you can get through it. For those of you don't know, our good friend Tara is actually the next visitor booked at the Kit. B & B on Eglin AFB in early February. We can't wait to see her.


Rachel and Hans said...

Quit stealing all our heat you Florida people!!

High of -8 on Saturday. Even I say "ughh" to that.

Do Wendi's mom and dad have any more room at the inn? I might be on my way shortly.

Anonymous said...

Come on down! Lady Di