Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I heart Craig's List

I've been finding the deals on Craig's List lately! I bought a little crawling tunnel a few weeks ago for $10. Bought a ball hopper toy for $5. Then I got this basketball hoop for $10. One of the second year wives, April, lived right by the woman selling it so she picked it up for me. How sweet was that? I figured that buying these cheap toys means that if we decide not to take them with us to Turkey, they've still played it enough to justify the money.

Only problem is, there is only one "basssketballll" as Isaac calls it. That means, fights. Lotsa fights. The boys have been arguing over nearly every toy lately. Cars especially. JB stopped by the house for a minute this morning, and I voiced my frustration. "They just fight all day," I moaned. He playfully reminded me that this is not a battle I am going to win; it's an 18-year-long-war I am going to fight. I have to remember that five minutes after they fight, they play and giggle together and are best friends again.

Oh and speaking of Turkey ... we are working like crazy to try to figure out all the little things that need to be done to move halfway across the world. Storage bins and doggy carriers, boats and flights, passports and tons of paperwork. I'm excited and overwhelmed all rolled into one nice little package!


Anonymous said...

OK that first picture is awesome. Having two, I can say that getting two of everything is a nice idea, however, each still ends up wanting what the other has. Can't win.
Laura HP

denise said...

I have been meaning to come back and comment on this. We also have a basketball hoop that only came with one ball. We got three more balls (because they each could not leave without one) from the Dollar Tree. They were the smaller size like the basketball. Now, they don't aim or go in as easily as the actual one that came with it. BUT they were $1 each, the right size, and cause *less* fighting over the ball. Here is a lesson I'm sure you have learned..... Sharing presents no longer work. Also, getting opposite gifts (thinking you get two, and they can trade) does not work either. They have to each get EXACTLY the same thing, or close to the same thing in a slightly different style. Then start putting initials on them when they can tell who's is who's. It will TOTALLY help when one breaks their brothers but won't fess up to who's toy it ACTUALLY belongs to....