Monday, March 08, 2010

Day two of cousin-mania

Today was jam packed! Take a lookie for yourselfie!

Playing in the morning after Elijah went down for his nap.

Charleigh and Isaac play so well together. Unfortunately, Elijah is going through a little bit of "extreme passion" in his life and his playing skills were not up to par today. His visits to timeout on the other hand, were. :)

AD and I took the kids to story time at the Valparaiso library. I love Elijah in this photo. He looks like he is trying to stand in line with the animals.

Elijah took his nap first. When he woke up, Isaac was ready to go down. When Isaac got up, Elijah was ready to go back down again. No rest for Mommy today! But AD did volunteer to watch Isaac while Elijah slept so I could go on a run without my jogger. Let me just say that today was a PERFECT day for a jog! Beautiful!

Magnets are cool!

Car time!

We took some time in the yard. Way fun!

Isaac absolutely LOVES playing in the yard.

He and Scrubs have great fun throwing around Scrubs' toys.

We've been working on one of the puzzles Joan left behind. We may actually finish it in one day!

AD took Charleigh and Elijah for a walk to the park with Keith and Scrubs while Isaac took his nap and I worked on my PowerPoint presentation for MOPs tomorrow.

Isaac has been enjoying his solo time with the grown-ups after the "little" kiddos go to bed. Elijah has continued to ask to go to bed every night at 7pm.

1 comment:

AW said...

Elijah has continued to ask to go to bed every night at 7pm.

Are you serious?!?!

*very jealous sigh*