... and you have Scrubs. Why do we even bother? Blocking the furniture and the food in the kitchen is a never-ending battle. Yesterday, we put all the food away and left. But we forgot something. When JB returned 1 MINUTE LATER he was eating banana bread he had found tucked away in the counter in the kitchen. He totally waited until we left and then went for it -- immediately.

My lab mix is almost 10 years old and we still crate her when we're out of the house or we come home and she's on the furniture or in our beds. 10 years! I thought she'd learn!
We had a Keeshond early on in our marriage. He, too, was an "opportunist"! 4 pounds of Hershey Kisses in 2 days (tin foil & all - colorful backyard for a couple of days & chocolate didn' t phase him). Ate 3 long loaves of Italian bread one day...bloated from the yeast & didn't feel good but was ok. The scariest...managed to pull my glass cake plate/dome off the counter. It shattered on the floor & he got every crumb of cake. Rushed him to be vet because he had blood on his mouth & lacertions inside his mouth from the glass. Must've just licked it - no problems from injested glass. The only thing that phased him was a flat of brownies from an upscale place in Denver...he ate one bite & we almost lost him - got very sick! He was a true "opportunist" - never did it while we were home AND we always put it "out of his reach". Lynda
And sweet Scrubby has been such a good boy. Gentle with the kids and a trooper when it comes to travel. What's a little banana bread? :)
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