JB was playing with Abigail and grabbed her nose. She put up her hands and said, "Daddy, you take my nose. Now I no smell nothing!"
I have been teaching the boys that they need to set a good example for Abigail because she is watching and learning from them. One of these ways is how they act around traffic and big parking lots which is fairly new to us after our small Base life. We have been teaching the boys to stay five steps away from the edge of the road. Today, they didn't do a good job, and I reminded them to stay five steps from the edge of the road because Abigail was watching.
Sidge thought about this and suddenly, punched himself lightly in the face. "Abigail, I just punched myself in the face because you are watching and I want you to know that is not a good idea."
Often times, we don't tuck the kids in together at night, but last night, JB and I tucked Abigail in together. She tells us a long story about princesses almost every night. This night, at the end of the story, she grabbed both of our necks and said, "I love you dies ("guys")." So sweet.
The kids and Dad discovered a red-bellied woodpecker in the backyard.
Sidge: "Let's call him Ivan."
Me: "Ivan?"
Sidge: "Yes, like Ivan working on the railroad."
JB said good bye to Abigail one morning before he left for his permaculture conference.
Abigail: "Where you going?"
JB: "To farm school."
Abigail: "When I go to school?"
JB: "What kind of school would you go to?"
Abigail: "Seeping Boodie school (Sleeping Beauty School)."
When teaching the game Hotels to the boys, Isaac, when he'd run out of money, would keep saying, "Ugggh. I'm broken."
Abigail and I were playing Frisbee with Scrubs outside. Suddenly he stopped to go potty.
Abigail: "Scrubby is going pee-pee!" she said, crinkling up her nose.
Me: "Yes. Everyone goes potty. You go potty."
Abigail: "Yes, but I go on the potty!"
While playing the game Mouse Trap, Sidge suddenly said, "This is just like the game hotels." Now these games seriously appear to have absolutely nothing in common. I asked him how this could be. "Well, you build stuff in both games. That's the same." A stretch, but yes.
Sidge: "Math is totally boring."
Me: "I'm sorry you feel that way. It's very important. You need it."
Sidge: "Why do I need it?"
Me: "Well, if you are going to be a farmer, you have to know how much the goats need to eat."
Sidge: "Huh?"
Me: "If you have five goats, how will you know how much to feed them?"
Sidge: "That's easy. Five bags. One for each goat."
Me: "Yeah, but what if your goats eat two bags of food each. Then how much will they need?"
Sidge: "Hmmmm ..." (He adds for awhile and comes up with, "Ten!")
Me: "How did you know that?"
Sidge: "I guess I know some math."
After repeatedly burping as loudly as he could, I told Sidge I was going to give him a swat. Since it was a very minor offense, I just lightly tapped his bum so as to indicate I wanted him to work on not being rude at the dinner table. He looked at me and said, "That was not a very hard swat. Were you giving me mercy?"

An extra humorous fact about this post - Friday funnies posted on Thursday ;)
We'll I set this to automatically post and must have set it wrong!
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