Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Congratulations to my sister-in-law Gabbi who just found out that she has been accepted to nursing school! Yay Gabs! We all knew she would get in but hearing word officially is WAY COOL! We are very proud of you Gabbi.


kjames106 said...

Congrats, Gabbi!

Totally unrelated question. A few weeks back you asked for prayers for a couple who was doing IVF. What was the outcome? I'm sorry I can't remember their names, but I really would like to keep praying for them no matter what the outcome is. Thanks!

P.S. Your boys are so cute! Elijah is becoming a chunky monkey, I love it!!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

That was our friends John and Becky.

Unfortunately their result was negative. They are preparing to move into adoption. They definitely covet all prayers during this difficult time.

kjames106 said...

Thank you! They will be in my prayers. I'm very sorry for their result.