Saturday, June 13, 2009

A quick drop-in

I'm here!! My Dad picked me up from the airport around 2:30 yesterday. By 4:30 (TERRIBLE Chicago traffic) we were at my Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary's house (where my Grama lives as well). By 5:30 we had driven over to Jason and Kathleen's (where I am staying) for a great dinner cooked by Kathleen. (Is that enough parenthesis for you all?)

The flight went fairly smooth. Both the flight from Eglin to Atlanta and Atlanta to Chicago were actually oversold. So no extra seats for Elijah. The first flight he fell asleep almost instantly and since it was only forty-five minutes, we made it through without a problem.

We had a one hour layover which was EXACTLY enough time to get through the Atlanta airport and to our next gate just as it was boarding. I was hungry but couldn't take any food on the plane with me because I would have to hold Elijah. I couldn't hold him and eat at the same time. So I skipped food. I also skipped changing the little guy because there wasn't time.

Once I got on the plane, I had a few minutes before my row filled up so I quickly whipped out a diaper to change him on my lap. Wouldn't you doggone know it but he chooses THIS opportunity to practice his aiming techniques. I mean he pees straight up in the air. Thank goodness I had a diaper to block it. Sheesh! He doesn't do this often at all, but when he does, he always seems to pick a really inopportune time.

On the second flight, I gave him a bottle as soon as we got on. After the bottle he had a few minutes of happiness before eruption occurred. After trying everything, I gave him another bottle (which he scarfed down!) and then he fell asleep for the rest of the flight. I'm pretty sure that his ears were really hurting him.

I was so blessed that during the eruption everyone around me was encouraging and not angry. They kept saying things like, "Don't worry about us honey," or "he's a baby" or "this is what babies do." It made me feel so much better because he was screaming VERY loudly and there was nothing I could do to calm him down. Had someone said something negative, I'm pretty sure I would have burst out into tears along with him.

Anyways, right now I am upstairs, waiting for Elijah to fall asleep for his nap before I get in the shower and start getting ready for the graduation party later this afternoon. I do have my camera so I will really try to get a few snaps of our adventures. The weather is a gorgeous 60-70 degrees here -- a far cry from the balmy Florida weather we left.

I am really enjoying some one-on-one time with Elijah, and in talking to JB, he echoes my sentiments as he and Isaac are getting some time just the two of them (and Scrubs) as well. I very rarely get to focus on just one child, and it's really nice. I miss Isaac like crazy, but am so enjoying myself here.

Kathleen's computer is easy to access so more to come . . .


mom h said...

Have fun!! Man, I wish I could be there. This first week was ok but now I want to play. I walked w/ Julie at 7 this morning and MAN O MAN is it hot here. Give everyone my love! Tell Aunt Linda Happy Birthday!

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

YAY! I remember the first time we flew with our children. They were almost 2 & 3 but I was not prepared for the ears! Had to dig the sippies out to calm them both. You are right HELPFUL people are better on a flight! :)

Have fun! :)

Jess said...

Awww, I'm sorry Elijah had a rough second flight, but SO happy that the people on the plane were so nice!!!

Enjoy your trip!!

Amy T. S. said...

A loves to have blowout diapers on airplanes. It's neat.