Sunday, July 26, 2015

Humanize your physician: They are real people

I am SOOOO excited. My friend Erica had two articles published on one of the leading medical blogs: (This site receives 1.4 unique visitors a year. It was voted the best medical blog in 2008.) 

I decided to do a little research and was happy to see that the submission process was very simple. (Some places make submitting an article akin to moving a mountain!) I submitted an article, and they decided to publish it!

So without further ado, here is the piece I wrote. Please share it from the page and leave a comment on the article too if you'd like! 

Humanize your physician: They are real people


Anonymous said...

My friend, I am the same way. In fact, unless asked specific questions I just say, "He is in the Army." People make assumptions, but he so doesn't fit those stereotypes. In fact, his diligence with pregnant women often makes other doctors angry. But, we have been there. He has held a sobbing woman given cold hard facts by a doctor. It is indeed possible to deliver truth in a human fashion, not as a trained machine. Bravo. Good article.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you for normalizing and humanizing our docs. I work with Cancer Patients as a counselor. When patients get into the medical system, it is sometimes hard to separate the physicians from the bureaucracy. And I love the encouragement you provide to so many out there - I did not have a background that was likely to lead to higher ed - and it was words like yours from people who were willing to share their stories that paved the way for me. Hoping that I can pass that message on to at least a couple folks.