When everything is packed or being packed, you have to make new fun! We've been doing just that. We made our bedroom a "safe room" where the boys could jump on the mattress to their heart's content. Here they are jumping (and wrestling and falling and crying) away:
During a long stretch of afternoon arguments due to matchbox cars that kept getting into the wrong owner's hands, I finally decided to distract Elijah with food. So while Isaac played in his room, I called down the hall, "Hey Elijah? Want some spaghetti?" (I knew better than to offer food to Isaac. Toys totally outrank sustenance in his book.)
But Elijah's book?
Totally different book.
Elijah came running. As he usually does when the f-o-o-d word is mentioned. He'd take a bite, start chewing, start walking down the hallway back toward Isaac's room, and then decide to return to me for another bite. All the while delaying the slew of "Mine! No! "My turn!" that would ensue if they were too try to play together.
But alas, Elijah grew tired of the spaghetti and headed back into the room. He started yelling. Isaac started crying. Matchbox cars were going every which way.
And in the middle of Isaac crying I heard him yell: "Elijah Wuke! Go eat your dasgetti!"
oh this is sooo funny! made my day (and the pictures remind me of 1/2 my life!)
Tante Jan
1. I was not sure if you would see my response on my blog. We get there Wed! We leave Sat morning. My whole family will be at graduation. I'm watching Jessica's kids for the banquet and they are going with P&J. I told Joia and I'll tell you too, that you guys and anyone are welcome to come to where we are staying and swim!!! Or even just take a break from the packing. I'll make sure Joia gets us all to meet :)
2. Trying to be encouraging about the fighting and not frustrating like most of the moms that comment to me....
The fighting changes, but (from what I can tell) it's part of how boys communicate with each other. They might fight a lot with one another, but they fiercely protect their brothers when another person tries to fight with them.
*also* when my kids get gifts they got to an age that they either need to be different, or different colors, or the same. IF they are the same, their name or letter goes on it. That way it is NOT an argument when a fight arises. I can go over, show them their letter, and that settles whos it is. I know yours are younger, but it might help to start at least showing Isaac if you do their "I" and "E" letters. Or, and if one brother breaks another brothers toy (or balloon), they have to loose their toy and give it to their brother.
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