When Elijah woke up at 6am, JB and I, who were sleeping in the nursery on the floor inbetween the boys, decided to let Isaac sleep. Being as Ray and Gabbi and their kids were in the guest room, Mom and Dad were in the master bedroom, and Grant, Elizabeth, Katie, and Scrubs were in the living room, we thought we'd take Elijah out and go get everyone donuts and try to let the house slumber a bit more.
Unfortunately, JB forgot his pass to get back in the gate. I had to drive all the way back to the house, get JB his pass, drive all the way back to the East Gate visitor center and then take us all home.
When we got home, the house was showing the beginning signs of stirring. We woke Isaac up so that Elijah could go back into the nursery and take a quick morning nap before the graduation. When we got Isaac up, we discovered he was swollen. We aren't sure how he could have an allergy attack lying in his bed with no food in his stomach. But he did. JB gave him some Benadryl and then left for the graduation program. However, less than an hour later I had to call JB and drive Isaac up to the ceremony early as Isaac's face was continuing to swell and spread to his lips. John had to give him an Epi pen (a shot.) It was way sad. Isaac was crushed and got very mad at JB. It broke our heart.
After that though, things got better, and when it was all said and done, JB was a graduate! No more school for him EVER AGAIN!

LOVE the first family picture!
I am going to miss working with this graduating class...it was really an outstanding class, and a true pleasure and honor to work with them. I am grateful for the internet so I can keep in touch!
These are great pictures! I have been following your blog for two years, and it is amazing watching your handsome little men grow up! God bless you guys!
Congrats to all of you!
It's kind of sad to see all these great pics in a way, knowing how much your life is about to change!! I am not good with change and it just feels like you guys are so BRAVE! I know that will pay off for you!
What is the airforce achievement medal for? only 4 people got it so it must be something very special!? tante Jan
Congrat's to JB on this special day!! To you too, Wendi, since it for sure didn't happen without you! =) Praying for you as you climb these next unknown steps!
Steph and Tim
What a huge accomplishment!!! Congratulations to you and JB. How special that most of his family was there to share in his big day. Enjoy your time in So. Fla. before crossing the pond.
The first picture of you and the boys is hilarious! I'm glad the morning wen tmore smoothly after that! I love the picture of John getting his award! Congratulations! That is amazing! And you too Wendi! We love you! I keep praying for smooth transitions and peace. Love, Sarah
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