Sunday, June 27, 2010

Blessings & Surprises

Today included two major blessings ... and two major surprises.

First the blessings.

Blessing #1 After waking up at 4:30am and getting to work on emptying the rest of our house, we loaded up the van at 8:30am, just in time for our cleaning lady to arrive at 9am. However, when we called TLF, we couldn't get into our room until 2pm. What do two adults, two kiddos, and one dog do in stifling heat? Why, Facebook their newest friends, Josh and Rebekah, in hopes that they would let them totally crash their Sunday afternoon. They have an amazing yard, a very cool house, and tons of hospitality so it was a perfect fit. What a blessing to have friends that will let you completely take over their house on about twelve minutes notice.

Blessing #2 After hearing horror stories about a variety of TLF experiences, we were preparing ourselves for the worst. When JB checked us in, the gal at the desk happened to be Russian. JB happened to take Russian in college as his second language. He is in, no way, even close to fluent, but he can say enough words to be polite. This made the gal behind the desk nearly giddy with excitement. It also lead to her saying something along the lines of: "You are going to really like this room." Uhhh, yeah. That's an understatement! It's AMAZING! Three bedrooms, four televisions, two bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, washer and dryer ... even a yard for Scrubs -- fenced believe it or not! Seriously, I can't believe how awesome this place is and how blessed we are to have favor. We will be here for quite a few nights (not exactly sure how many yet) so this is so awesome!

Surprise #1 JB dropped us off at TLF and then left to go get a few remaining things done at the house. I decided to set the boys up in separate rooms, since we have three of them. I put Isaac's pack-n-play in one bedroom and got him all set up for a nap. About ten minutes later, Elijah and I are doing some other setting up when Isaac comes running down the hall. "I waked up Mommy!" he says in his little sing-songy voice. Since neither of my boys has ever emerged from a crib or pack-n-play without me "emerging them," I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I went back into the bedroom to discover that putting a pack-n-play against a bed enables a child to use his stuffed animals to climb up on and then use the bed to flip himself onto. I moved the pack-n-play to a new corner of the room and put Isaac back down.

Surprise #2 After I was sure Isaac was asleep, I went to work setting up a pack-n-play in another bedroom for Elijah. Not thinking Elijah had the dexterity to repeat Isaac's maneuvers, I set his pack-n-play up against a bed in that room. I put him in the bed and then wandered out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Following the first sip, I heard a loud noise coming from Elijah's room. He was wandering around the room, whining. He had gotten out too! Unbelievable! Neither of them have ever climbed out. And now they do it on the same day right after each other?!

Both pack-n-plays are now positioned away from a bed. Fingers crossed that this will do the trick.

I thought about labeling this post: Blessings, Surprises & Sadness but decided I just can't go there. Last night Philip and Joia stopped by to help empty our cabinets and refrigerator of food. As we sat on the floor eating leftovers, Philip mentioned that this may be the last time Keenan sees Scrubs. Joia also mentioned that this would be the last time that they hung out at our house.

I've been so busy getting everything done to move out, I haven't had the opportunity to grieve what is coming. But last night I really cried for the first time. I've teared up a bunch but last night I got sad.

... anyways, I said I wasn't going to go there. I can't allow myself to process the good byes right now.

So I won't.

I'll stick to my blessings and surprises.

And grieve later.

1 comment:

Jess said...

So sad for you in so many ways, but excited too. What an adventure you guys are about to go on!