These are my best
Eglin friends. Tonight we had our third and final banquet. My house is void of furniture and my heart is filled with a sadness knowing that this amazing group of ladies will never be in my life, like this, again. To Jodi, Sarah,
Joia, Andrea, and Tiffany. I love each and everyone of you dearly. Tomorrow our husbands graduate, and we begin the process of good byes. Off to Minot and Japan and California and Texas and staying put and going to Turkey.
Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for standing by me in three of the saddest and then most happiest years of my life as I grieved
barrenness forever and then got two miracles.
It makes me cry again just looking at this!
This sounds TOTALLY corny, but through your blog, I feel like I've gotten to know them as well. I'm sad too and I've never met ANY of you. LOL!
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