Thursday, June 24, 2010

More moving

Last night JB's Dad and Mom drove in with his sister Elizabeth and her husband Grant from South Florida. About a nine hour drive. In a separate vehicle, JB's brother Ray arrived with his wife Gabbi and their children: Grace and Nate. Today sometime, sister Katie will make the drive from Orlando. Unfortunately JB's other two brothers were unable to come in at the last minute due to work and school requirements.

Yes they are all staying here at the house.Don't ask how.

As I write this, JB is up at the Clinic giving a research presentation. All I know about this is that he is giving a presentation and that he couldn't find the belt for his uniform. He said something about having to wear his jacket during the entire presentation because the belt is totally MIA. I worry that it may be packed in some box somewhere. But that's sort of water on the bridge at this point.

The movers are loading the van as we speak. Everything is going very smoothly. There are a few glitches. Things that they can't take for one reason or another. But they are minor things. Liquids and batteries and things that weren't on our "can't take list" but are actually in that category.

I have removed the boot from my right foot for the time being. While wearing the boot on my right foot, I've been having pain in my left foot. The bone scan results showing a stress fracture in the left foot as well explain that. As I am wearing the boot on my right foot, the left is taking more of a beating compensating for the weight. But now both my feet are bothering me. We aren't sure what to do about this right now nor can I worry myself now. Stress fractures often heal without any intervention. But either way, we need to get our moving day completed before I can worry about this. We hope to talk to one of the sports medicine doctors in the next day or two to see how we can heal one stress fracture without making the other one worse.

Otherwise, life is going as planned. The kids are playing across the street at Brittny's house with some of JB's family members. The dogs are there too. I'm answering all the questions the movers have as best I can until JB gets back.

Tonight is the banquet. Tomorrow JB graduates. Wow. I can't believe this is all here already.

Or how empty our house is starting to feel.

This is really happening.



Rachel and Hans said...

Have fun at the banquet! If you were in Minnesota, I'd give you a foot massage. Rachel likes it when I rub her feet.

Safe travels.


Anonymous said...

I was trying to imagine how you guys must feel today. It's June of course and I've been thinking about the fact that it's been 7 years since we said good-bye as you drove off to Minnesota from our quiet little Kentucky neighborhood, the poorest time in our marriage, and yet so precious because you guys were there! It gives me chills that that was 7 years ago! I still remember the look on your face when you guys busted in our front door and said "He got into Mayo!" Funny. I'm praying for you all and I'm so happy for John! Love, Sarah

Anonymous said...

i'm praying for your feet today...and God's guidance and healing in this, as you have to keep on keepin' on!
love Tante Jan