Sometimes I can hear Scrubs scratching at a door when I shut him out of the bathroom or a bedroom, but I didn't really think he actually stood and waited the entire time. JB decided to take this photo above to provide me with proof that Scrubs is addicted to me. Here he is, waiting, for me to emerge from the bathroom. Can't a girl get some privacy?!
It may seem like it is wonderful to be loved. And I suppose it is. But sometimes a dog following you to every single location in your house is a bit annoying. He helps me do laundry, brush my teeth, empty the dishwasher. Everything. Sometimes its nice to have the company, but sometimes, it gets a little bothersome to have him completely under my feet. JB bought the dog so I would never feel lonely, and I guess Scrubs has done a good job making sure that is the case. You can't feel lonely with a Scrubs in the house!
Good dog.
Just wait till you have allllllllll the kiddos in your household!!! I didnt get to go to the bathroom alone for YEARS!!!!!So, plan on 3 kids and a DOG(right there with ya!!) when you do your "business"!!!Love Ya N :)
awwwwwwwwww too cute!
Boy isn't that the truth with the kids and the pets.
Scrubs is sure doing his job in making sure you are not lonely at all, living up to his velcro personality.
Very funny picture!
It's much harder to convince the kiddies to stay out, let me tell you!! =) The Lord knew what was in store for you, and is preparing you (in a small way) with Scrubs!
Very funny post! Don't you just love all the "attention"?
Yep - I'm with anon and a Woodford. It amazes me how my guys scream like the world is going to END when I go into the bathroom and shut the door. Isaac and Elijah may just scare Scrubs away from the bathroom door for a few years.
LOL! Its a Dalmatian thing! Oliver is the same way.
Thelsmom from P&O
Ahhh that was so cute. :)
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