The first thing I want to write about is CARROTS. I think these are my new favorite food. Every time Mommy feeds me carrots, I get very excited, and I make sure to eat all of it so she knows how much I like it.
While we are on the topic of food, I enjoyed my first experiences with pears and prunes. However, I overheard Mommy and Daddy talking, and apparently, they do not plan on sharing those foods with me again for awhile unless I need them. I am not sure what that means, but apparently the fact that Daddy was forced to give me a bath to take care of some "problems" just a few hours after I had the prunes contributed to this discussion. Daddy said he would prefer to not have to deal with that "problem" again for awhile. Not sure what that is all about, but I guess pears and prunes are off the menu for awhile.
My favorite activities have shifted a bit since I last wrote. My swing has really been replaced by my exersaucer and by sitting on the couch (with the footrest pulled up close in case I decide to roll which, by the way, I think is totally overrated) or on the floor to play with my toys. I still sit in my swing sometimes, especially when I am a bit tired.
I don't cry in my crib at all. If it is time to lay down or get up, I just like to talk. What's the point of crying when talking will get my Daddy and Mommy to come visit me just the same? Actually, the only time I cry is when I am on my belly. I hate to be on my belly and wish these folks would quit putting me there. If I am in a cranky mood, hungry, tired, or in stinky pants, I prefer to "growl" ("like a velociraptor," Daddy says) or just yell really loud. Again, crying wears me out so unless I am on my belly, I avoid that activity.
There is still nothing that makes me smile as much as Scrubby. I especially like to sit on Mommy's lap and help her shine the flashlight. Sometimes Mommy asks me to stop kicking her so much during this game, but I can't help it! It's so fun to watch the light and my puppy all at once.
Right now it is early in the morning on Thursday. My Mommy is getting ready to go see her doctor while I hang out with Daddy who got in around midnight from his job for the month in Pensacola. Mommy hasn't felt very well for the last few days and Dr. G. said she would like to check her out and see why her stomach is bothering her. We all think everything is fine, but if you think of it, please pray for my Mommy to feel better. She's been pretty worn out the last few days.
Okay, I think that's all I have to say. Until my next entry folks!
I will definately keep your mommy in my prayers. Remember God is always in control. I know you hate being on your belly, but it is so good for you and will help you grow big and strong. You are such an awesome gift from God. God Bless.
Hi Isaac,
This is your Grandma K. One day you will figure out that when you're on your belly you can crawl! And then you can follow Scrubs wherever he goes:)all around the house! And then, Mommy and Daddy will probably put little walls up around the living room and tell you to stay inside your "play room"! In the meantime, enjoy your exer-saucer and swing and sitting on the couch!
Oh, don't worry about the prunes-there's a lot of other fruits-just watch out for the peaches, they might do the same thing:)
love,grandma k
How cute, Isaac. I love you.
Wendi, I haven't checked in for a while. Oh my goodness Isaac is sooooo cute!!! Praying for you to feel better soon!
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