Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today promises to be a great day, if only because it is Veteran's Day, and JB happens to be on a Clinic rotation which means the Clinic is closed, and he is home! Yipeeee!!! I am so excited to get to spend a day in the middle of the week with my husband.

Right now, JB and Scrubs are out training for their half marathon. I think today is a fairly short run -- 3 miles. JB trains 4 days a week, and Scrubs trains with him. Sundays are his long run. I've heard rumors that there are some other docs who are interested in joining him for the race, which will be in March. It'll be a lot of fun if there are a lot of people running together. I'm excited to watch him with all my boys in tow.

Thought I'd start your morning the way my morning started -- with Scrubs and Isaac bonding together in Scrubby's chair. I couldn't manage a good picture of both of them at the same time, but here's a few pretty good ones. I'm not sure Scrubs thought this was a good idea, but he was patient and loving at the same time. He is an amazing dog with kids -- much better than he is with adults.

Doesn't Scrubs look like he thinks this is the worst idea ever? What the heck are you people making me do now?

Speaking of Scrubs, he had a bad dog day yesterday which included throwing himself into the glass of our screen door when a new mailman came by in an attempt to say hi or bye or something! Other behaviors included eating a crayon and refusing to come in from the yard. I was so frustrated by night's end that I asked JB to stop by with Brandon, our neighbor and fellow dog-lover after they hung out together last night. So they did.

The doorbell rang, Scrubs sat in his designated "place," and when permission was granted,walked up to Brandon, accepted his treat, and laid down, as if this was how he always greeted new people! Are you kidding me?! It was like he knew he was being tested! Brandon looked at me like, "Why did you need me to practice door greeting with your dog?" I tried to explain the whole throwing himself against the glass and scaring the substitute mailman half to death, but it sounded rather pathetic after his stellar performance in front of Brandon.

In closing, here is a video capturing Isaac's new skill: leaf grabbing.

Have a great Veteran's Day everyone!


Anonymous said...

He's definately a "righty".

yuan family said...

He is SO cute! I love his smile.

Anonymous said...

Great eye-hand co-ordination! I think he likes the sound;like mommy at her desk-typing a hundred words a minute:) and it makes him happy.
grandma k

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for my 21 year veteran to get off from work today so we can celebrate tonight.

I love that Isaac is so clever.

Does your swing run out of battery life quickly?

Anonymous said...

Hey Wendi, doesn't the mobile part fold UP, out of reach?

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Does it Joia? How?

JB thinks it is funny and that we should let him keep doing it but I'd like to eliminate it. My current strategy is to not allow it to spin which prevents him from grabbing it if I set them at exactly the right place.

Anonymous said...

He's TOTALLY teasing you, Wendi! Just wait until he gets older...little stinker! :-)

p.s. he's cute!

Anonymous said...

Again....such adorable pictures of Isaac....he's having so much fun with you in the video...