I have long given up calming Scrubs down when Jodi comes to the house. Jodi is his girlfriend, and he is completely unable to refrain from running in between her legs as many times as possible in one minute whenever she comes to the house to visit.
Get this! Jodi knew I wasn't feeling so hot and so she had come by to take Scrubs and Della to the bay together. What an amazing blessing. Scrubs returned a half hour later thoroughly exhausted and ready for a good ol' dog nap! Hurr-ah Jodi!
The fact is, Scrubs' exercise schedule has been greatly warped by the combination of my illness, Isaac's cold, and JB's awkward rotation. While JB really enjoys working in the pediatric ER in Pensacola, the hours have really gotten to him, and subsequently, to us as well. He leaves the house at 11:30am and doesn't get home until well after midnight. By the time he gets to sleep and gets up, we have very little time to spend together. He has unfortunately had to forgo running for the last three days and is planning to catch up this weekend to stay on track for his half-marathon in March.
It's just bad timing for Isaac to have a cold and me to be feeling so crummy. I had my first major "breakdown" of mommy-dom and pregnancy this morning. I was plagued by incredibly bad leg cramps and side aches from this stomach bug last night which left me tossing and turning for most of the night. When Isaac decided to get up at 5:30am, followed closely by his big buddy Scrubby, and I rolled (literally) out of bed, only to get a calf in the back of my thigh that I could not get out, I just lost it. Sigh . . . and then there's the fact that there will be another tiny life to add to this family in just 10 weeks! Whew! One day a time, right?
1 comment:
Thanks Wendi! Glad I could help out! Della and Scrubs both enjoyed their time running around at the bay. It was a blast watching them.
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