Sunday morning sent Bara back to Boston! We had a wonderful visit and thoroughly enjoyed catching up. Bara is so great to talk to, and we always enjoy all the lessons and information we can share and learn from each other. So much of what we discuss is cultural, and this visit was no exception.
Speaking of culture, I have a question for all you blog readers. Is it culturally inappropriate to have your guests take a cab if you are able to pick them up or take them to the airpor?. Bara really wanted to just take a cab to the airport on Sunday morning (we didn't let him!) because his flight was so early, but JB and I told him that for us to stay in bed while he took a cab would be rude. Is that true fellow Americans?! I believe our cultural tradition is that the only time it is acceptable to have a guest take a cab is when you are unable to pick them up or the distance is very great. Correct?
All right, back to the Sunday celebrations . . .
Sunday afternoon, my great friends here in Eglin decided to throw a triple baby shower for Andrea, Joia, and myself. Not only is it strange to be pregnant, it's even stranger to have a baby shower for me and this baby inside of me. I still remember when Joia and Andrea both sensitively shared their joyous news with me, still careful with my heart. What's so amazing is that while they were being sensitive, I was pregnant -- and just had no idea. What a strange turn of events.
The party was at Jodi's house. However, Andrea decided she didn't want to come and instead wanted to go into labor the evening before -- three weeks early. Little Chloe Christine arrived early on Sunday morning. Andrea wasn't able to make the shower (imagine that!) but we all headed to the hospital to bring some of the shower (and shower goodies) to her once we were done eating and celebrating ourselves.
Here are some pictures from the afternoon.
Here's me and Joia sporting our winter looks.
Here's a photo of our gang with Andrea at the hospital. We brought her a few of her presents, some flowers, and of course some food (chocolate!!!) Andrea looked great, her labor went great, and Chloe is doing great despite being nearly a month early.
hey! no answers about the cab! I am guessing I was right then and no one wants to admit! ;-)
love you all! :-)
I would NEVER think of having a guest take a cab unless there was simply NO WAY either of us could get the person to or from the I see it, its VERY RUDE accept when all other possibilities have been exhausted!:) And we have TONS of company from January to April! In fact, over 37 yrs of marriage we have NEVER had anyone take a cab...ever...:)The GRITTER Bed and Breakfast aims to please!!!Sorry Bara!You are WRONG! :-) Nancy
Hey Bara -- you are funny ... so far you are down 1-0 that taking a cab is culturally unacceptable. Let's see what the verdict is!
make that 2-0, bara down. a cab is a last resort!! trains/buses however, are fair game as public transportation is a winner.
wendi- YOU look so radiant, too! your pics w/ joia are great!
1.Great shower pics! It really is great to see you pregnant, Wendi:) And I agree, Joia looks terrific!
2. Congratulations to Andrea! Only at Eglin would everybody show up for a shower upon delivery:) How much fun you girls have!
3. My "two cents" for Bara. Sorry, but no cab allowed here either. The main reason: the visits are always way too short so the meeting at the airport and drive home and the ride to the airport to take someone when they are leaving is part of the visit and that extra time is way too special to send someone alone in a cab!:)
I guess there might be exceptions-maybe in Boston-where you live-or someplace like NY city where everyone takes cabs everywhere and the weather might be terrible but we would still WANT to take you:)
Mary (John's mom)
Thank you Wendi, but I think You are the one that looks fantastic in these pictures... now that your body's got the hang of this whole pregnant thing, it's looking great on you! =)
Bara, you're soo losing this one, dude.. =) No cabbing it if there's any other way!! =)
Bara; you are so thoughtful!
But you lose-no cabs to the airport. Lady Di
Sorry Bara, I say no to the cab as well. If I could not pick up or take a friend to the airport I think I would ask another friend for a favor before I would let a guest take a cab.
And Wendi, thanks for the disclaimer. Your sensitivity is so appreciated. It looks like you had a great time and I am so happy for you. Both you and Joia look beautiful.
awe! that's painful! I was never knocked down so badly like this!
even you Tara!! I thought we are friends! ;-)
alright, alright! I admit! but on my defense, I would say I was trying to give John an extra hour of sleep on his day off!
no cabs from now on! bring me in man!
Delurking to give you my 2 cents...
I think part of the fun of the visit is saying goodbye at the airport. However, if a guest absolutely insisted on taking a cab, I guess I'd let them (they might hate my driving). But then again, with some guests, you just have to MAKE SURE they get on that plane...
This all may just be a random Australian perspective.
Glad you all had a great time together.
How come when I visit John and Wendi, they make me take a cab?
WHATever Gabbi ...
What awsome friends you have, Wendi! I miss you!
I somehow missed this look beautiful Wendi. How exciting! I agree about the cab.
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