Saturday, August 31, 2024

365 Days of Rest #39

Today has been a very peaceful Saturday. Meredith and her kiddos stopped by to hang out for a few hours, and now we are going to relax with my cousin Josh and his family at: Elijah’s Harbor. (Sidge is driving us!)

It’s brutally hot out, but I got a morning walk with all three doggies and got to play two games of Wingspan with my hubby. 

Hannah made chocolate chip cookies for the evening, and we are picking up food at Casa Nostra to eat with them. 

I’ll post some pictures after the event, but here is the last time our two entire families were together: 

Jordan, Tyler (who is now in college), Hannah, Sidge, Abigail, Isaac, and MaryBeth. Their daughter Alyssa isn’t in this picture. She is Hannah’s age. 

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