Saturday, August 10, 2024

365 Days of Rest #24

Today I took the time to listen to a podcast. I have heard of The Dr. John Delony Show, but haven't ever really listened to any of it. Today, I stumbled into this one. OH MY GOODNESS! It was fascinating!! During this talk he did, the gal he was talking to had the following book recommendations

Here were just a few interesting points that I gleaned from listening to this video two times:

  • When your kids are bored, you have not failed.
  • When you do the same thing over and over again, your brain records it as "one memory." If you just do baseball, it becomes one memory. 
  • Don't make a happy kid, happier.
  • Every time I step into and try to save my child from something (other than death), what I am actually saying is, "I don't trust you." 
  • Stop siphoning stuff into little chunks. Go to the park and STAY. Three's a bigger payoff.
  • It can take kids up to 45 minutes to develop a pay scale. 

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