Tuesday, March 02, 2021

The Day of My Life

American Woodcock: Farm Bird #122 (Photo from Audubon)

Wow. I find myself more and more behind on Blogging. More and more days going by since I last posted. 

So I'm going to try to update you on our life. 

First up, tonight we saw another bird. Well, I didn't see it. Well, in fact, no one actually saw it. Did you know that if you hear a bird it counts as a seen bird? Not only was this a first for our farm, it was a "lifer" for John and the two kiddos two. 

John said: "I've been hearing a nasally peent call right at dusk for the last few evenings, but I couldn't place it. I kept thinking it was a frog. But then this evening, some memory clicked in my brain, and I realized it was a bird ... a shorebird ... a snipe ... or a ... woodcock."

(Tomorrow night they are going to set up a stakeout to try and see it.)

(And if you have been REALLY wanting to see a woodcock dance, well, now is your chance. Click here for just that very thing!)

Lest you think the whole world is birds to us, well, I assure you, it is not. 

I mean, how can life be boring when you have DUCK WEED on your counter. Seriously ... this is growing so it can be added to our pond and do something wonderful out there. 

(It truly has become a running joke as to what else Wendi can have on her counter.) To see other items I have had as part of my farmhouse decor please visit here.

In other things dominating my life: puppies. Oh man these cute little piles of fluff. They are SO sweet but the older they get the more work they are. We are keeping them all the way up to eight weeks this time, and I see now why breeders "oust them" closer to six weeks. They are so smart and so curious. New trouble is brewing every single day.

(If you want to see a LOT more pictures of our pups, visit our Facebook page at: Bauernhof Kitsteiner Australian Shepherds. 

If you didn't think it was possible to feed four bottle baby lambs at the same time, you haven't met Wendi ... check out my MAD skills below:

Between all the lambs and puppies, life is a wee bit crazy. Here's a few funnies I've recorded over the last few days:

On the way to church. “Hey kids, I’m sorry this morning was so chaotic. All the puppies and lambs and kids and farming we had to do just got me frazzled.”
“Any comments?”
“Mom, does 8x8 equal 64?”


Facebook fact checkers have confirmed this is accurate:
Two anonymous children can be in tears (and one howling) over a fitted sheet and who picked it first to put on their bed.


Quick calculations:
If you have four children and each one has just four needs/questions/requests/comments before bed, there will be SIXTEEN replies you need to make before you can go to sleep.
P.S. if one of your children (anonymous of course) has 47 needs then that number will be 59.
Tonight was at least 59.

And here is us delivering Girl Scout Cookies to the Emergency Room. My friend Kristin Girton helped me spend the last $365 I had raised for the nurses!!!

Hazel, Eliza, Isaac, Hannah, Abigail and Sidge


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