Saturday, March 06, 2021

Putting COVID behind us FOREVER

Grama and Grampa K. have gotten their first vaccine shots! And today, I turned a corner in my own COVID journey and went for a JOG.

It was C25K jog: Couch-to-5K. This is a program that helps you to basically go from not running AT ALL to running 5K in about eight weeks. I had done it right before I got sick, and now I'm doing it again.

It felt so wonderful to be out there, running. It also felt wonderful to have my dog, Arabelle, with me. 

Tomorrow, we will say good bye to five of her eight puppies. She has done her job. Four litters. And now we will fix her and retire her. And she and I will have plenty of years to just go for jogs with each other. 

The hospital has also slowed down as far as COVID considerably for JB. It's so amazing. When you are in the depths of a crisis, you start to think to yourself: Maybe this is how life always feels. Maybe I just forgot. Maybe I won't ever feel peace again

But then the crisis passes (or mostly passes) and you start to think: Oh. Wait. No. That felt awful. And this feels normal. And normal feels ... great. 

John is still seeing COVID. In fact he's seeing a lot of people chronically ill from COVID. (Example: an older man who got COVID a few months ago and came back in with pneumonia, went home, and is back now with something else that due to his elderly age, will probably end his life.) But it's SO much better. You can feel it on him when he comes home each evening. We are bringing this pandemic to a close.



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