Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Emerging from the COVID

It's so wonderful to get "back to normal" a bit amidst COVID. It's not completely the same world, of course, but slowly, we are starting to do "regular things" again. Man, the things you've taken for granted after a year of hunkering down.

Years from now, what will I tell my grandkids about this year? I'll remember a lot of pain. I'll remember a lot of beauty. I'll remember a lot of sweetness and heartache and discomfort and frustration and fear. 

And I'll remember slowly inching our way out of the pandemic ... and having friends over: like Jama and her girls: Miley and Melyna 

Here's what Jama wrote about our morning together: 

We spent some time with the Kitsteiner family on their farm today (which thanks to Covid, we hadn’t been able to do in a really long time). We caught up a little, ate some amazing homemade basil pesto pizza, got lots of doggie kisses, walked the farm, loved on some baby lambs, let our kids “free range”, talked about God, and made numerous jokes about our difference in height. It’s been a really good day.


Height different in the flesh

Our favorite chicken: Talula

Miley: an incredibly talented singer and actress

A beeee-utiful rooster of our's. I hope he keeps behaving so we don't have to eat him.

Sweet southern Jama

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