Friday, March 26, 2021

Half way to Galveston

About two hours into our six hour drive from Baton Rouge to Galveston, we made a nice stop. My friend Patty creeped me out by texting me and saying: “Enjoy that Chik-fil-A.” That’s what you get for letting friends follow along with your trip. 

Our Isaac is a die-hard Hot Wheels collector, and we found a Target, Game Stop, and Chil-Fil-A al next to each other!!! Unfortunately the Game Stop (which sells cars — this Isaac’s reason for wanting to go there was closed) but Isaac found some amazing cars in Target. We also got a few things we forgot like Saran Wrap, mugs, and wipes. 

It was interesting doing a drive-thru walking up as the restaurant is still closed to people coming in. But they were super nice and even gave us a free bag of cookies!!! Score!!! 

I am fervently trying to eat good on this trip so those cookies were a temptation that caused me to fail. I was so proud for not ordering one — and then they gave me one for free!! 

Our trip is going well. The hardest thing of camping is trying to keep a small place clean with messy children. John presented the kids with the analogy of a dog pooping in a soccer field. Not a big deal. But pooping in a tiny bathroom? Very messy. Same thing goes for their shoes and dirty socks and underwear in a tiny home. 

What an adventure!!!

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