Sunday, April 27, 2008


Every day that goes by without little XY's arrival allows us to check a few more things off of our list. This weekend it was cleaning out the car and the storage shed. It was working on installing a gate for the entrance to the kitchen. It was framing a photo, packing a bit more, and putting away my scrapbook stuff. I am completely caught up on laundry. The kitchen has been scrubbed. JB worked on his palm pilot which is finally back from the fix-it place. I was able to do a bit of writing for pleasure, and we even snuck in a movie off Netflix. Friday night we also went to Target to spend our gift certificates and a coupon we had that entitled us to 10% off anything on our registry.

There was a mini-retreat on Friday and Saturday morning for all the physicians in the residency program. This included a dinner out at McGuires on Friday night with families and a family day at the beach on Saturday. I played volleyball with 11 Type-A male physicians and had a great time despite losing in three games. Today, we successfully finished our last class to become members of our church and will most likely participate in "New Members Sunday" during the last week in June.

Overall, a very productive weekend if I do say so myself. Each day that goes by we feel like we are more and more ready to have the little guy come home with us. As much as I am attempting to "tie up loose ends" at home, I am feverishly attempting to do the same thing at my job for the RLS Foundation. My job at Mayo is basically complete. I am still answering questions and helping a bit here and there, but I am basically just working about 25 hours a week for the Foundation. I plan to slow down quite a bit when XY arrives and then work my way back up to 20 hours in the months that follow.

Again, please add Bri and XY to your prayer list. Pray for strength, endurance, and peace for Brianna as she prepares to deliver this baby. Pray for our little boy's safety as well during the final stretch.

I have tried to blog about something other than baby and baby preparation, but truthfully, that is all that our life currently consists of . . . ten days and counting!

1 comment:

toeknee17 said...

Hey Wendi and John. I will give you the best acvice ever right now............sleep as much as you can now. I have a 6 month old that is a great sleeper but you still can never get enough.