Thursday, April 10, 2008


I have been trying FOREVER to capture Scrubby on tape running laps in the house. He does this a few times a day -- right before he collapses into a sleep-filled ball. Usually, however, as soon as sees the camera, he stops running and the video seems stupid -- me filming him standing there looking at me like I am an idiot. Today, however, I found him in the bathtub (his new fascination), digging to get to the bottom of the drain. What followed was a short installment of his lap-running abilities and then a minute with his favorite toy ever -- his rings (the best $10 we have EVER spent!) The rings helped stopped the part where he stands there looking at me like I am an idiot. However, when he is really excited, he often can't remember what he was supposed to go get (thus the reason he returns the first time empty-handed.) Oh, and the loud banging? That is him running into the blinds. Ha!

Okay, all of this will make more sense if you watch the video.

So here he is as exhaustion is setting in:

And here is a typical post-exhaustion photo. Poor guy doesn't even care that he is barely hanging on!


Anonymous said...

I love that Scrubby!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet him.

TAV said...

if you can handle scrubby, a newborn will be CAKE!!!

Anonymous said...

Scrubby is just too cute!!!!! What a character!!! Gotta love him! NG