Sunday, October 07, 2012


Life is all about the pond you are swimming in at the time.

Me? Huge basketball player in high school. Small pond.

The truth? Jumped in a big pond and was simply "one of the fish."

And Scrubby. Eighty pounds. Pure muscle. So many people tell me, "Man! He is a big boy!"

And he is. Until you put him to run with a Great Dane at the dogpark. Suddenly, he isn't quite so big anymore now is he.

(Sidenote: Scrubs was obsessed with humping this dog. I kept trying to get him to stop until the owner finally turned to me and said, "Don't worry. I think my dog can take care of himself."

True dat. He was one huge dog.

Life is relative. You may be lonely where you are. But you are in a small city. You may feel eccentric. But you are hanging around people that are, let's face it, just way too normal for their own good. You may think you are really far from home and very homesick and you miss your friends terribly. But trust me. Someone is farther. Someone is more homesick and misses their family more. You may feel like the only Christian. But you are just in a different pond. A pond with less Christians.

When you start to lose focus, just picture Scrubby and the Great Dane. And it will all come into focus.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So, so true. I need to find a way to stop forgetting this.