Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bowling with Sparky

The last time we met Sparky, it was in October of 2011. Sparky was attending the Fall Festival in Turkey, and while Isaac managed to give him a quick high five, Sidge had wanted nothing to do with him.
Note: I know it's a bit strange, but this Sparky looked remarkably healthier than the Sparky who had visited us in Turkey. Guess he got a health overhaul.
I had never been to the Bowling Alley here on Base. But we went frequently in Turkey. Here is the blog post I did one of the last times we bowled (in Turkey). These were from Sidge's third birthday party.
Another sidenote: I really think bowling is a fantastic activity to do with young children. Not sure how it works in the "real world" but on the Base, the cost is very low, and it is great quarter-day activity.
This week is "Fire Prevention Week" here on our little Base -- a Base which is half the size of the one we lived on in Turkey by the way. In celebration, I decided to take the boys "Bowling with Sparky." I wasn't sure how this would go, since the last time we had met Sparky neither of them had wanted to give him more than a polite nod.
But as you can see from the photos below, Sparky was given a much better welcome this time!

 The initial hello was still a bit tentative ...
 But within moments, Sparky was a part of the family.
When we got home later that evening, Sidge said, "I danced with Sparky!" When Daddy asked Isaac if HE too had danced with Sparky, his response was, "No. Sidge danced. I just watched."
 Two high fives! A long way from not even going near him in Turkey.
 I love the imaginations of children. I wish they would never outgrow this part of their life.
 Very typical Isaac. He's gonna bond with Sparky in his way.
 Not only were we hanging out with Sparky more this year, but our bowling skills are advancing as well.
 Look at that form!
 Isaac actually got a spare during the game.
 Sparky trying to teach Sidge how to bowl.
 What would a trip to the bowling alley be without (a) crossing the black line and sliding (done by Sidge) and (b) walking on the divider (also accomplished by Sidge.)
Yes, that's Isaac propped on the big Sparky's back!

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