We left Snowmass this morning a little bit before 10am and arrived in Denver around 3pm. We took a very beautiful route which brought us through Independence Pass. (I stole the pic above from the previous link.) Unfortunately, we didn't spend too much time at the scenic overlooks because it was so stinkin' cold out. A simple jacket for the boys just wouldn't have cut it. JB ran up and took a few pics, but we all stayed in the car. We actually saw snow. In July! I think the road is only open between May and August so we were glad to get the opportunity to drive it.
Believe it or not, Elijah returned to his normal feeding schedule like clockwork today. It was as if he knew he wasn't at that high elevation anymore. The entire time we were in Snowmass, E. only drank about one-third to one-half his normal amount. But today he is right on to finish where he normally does. I guess he is feeling better. I guess altitude can make people not want to eat. This was definitely the case with him. I'd work for an hour just to get him to take an ounce or two all day long at the condo.
We made a pit stop at a Burger King. Funny how before kids, JB and I would avoid fast food at all costs. We still don't like it much but having the opportunity to let Isaac play for an hour while we sit and eat is something we just can't pass up. So we purposely look for playlands when we start looking for a stop. When the boys are older, we may try to do rest stops instead. Unfortunately, Isaac makes a beeline for the road at all rest stops right now so those are out.
Our hotel is only a few miles from the airport. We paid an extra twenty dollars for an upgrade to a suite. Way worth it! There will be plenty of room to put one boy on each side of the room. In addition, they have an indoor pool. Both boys LOVED being in the water -- Isaac especially. He has never been in a formal pool before and showed no fear.
JB is going to fill up the rental car with gas and pick us up some dinner in a few minutes. Tomorrow morning we'll be headed back to Eglin. Your prayers for happy babies and smooth travels are much appreciated.
"See" you all when we get back.
Yay! Isn't the human body amazing!? Glad the little man is back to normal.
I hear on the play places!
Have a GREAT flight!
I've been enjoying all the pics of Colorado this week, makes me really miss it!
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