JB is pretty convinced that our little Elijah is fighting some altitude sickness. Apparently 8,000 feet is pretty high. And apparently this height can cause insomnia and lack of appetite -- both of which Elijah has.
At home, Elijah sleeps through the night 95% of the time. Here, he has been waking up nearly every hour. The wake up is very short. We just roll him over, resettle him, and he seems to work his way back to sleep. But hourly resettlings are cause for pretty long nights!
In addition, he isn't eating very much at all. He'll usually take his morning bottle but the rest of the day he is only taking 1-2 ounces at a time and then pushing the bottle away.
As long as they aren't showing any respiratory distress, his altitude sickness is considered minor. He is also managing some liquids which is preventing dehydration. I went and read on some baby sites that all suggested parents don't take their children to heights of 8,000 feet without taking a few days to work your way up there. Well, we didn't do that, obviously. Isaac seems fine, and while JB got sick last time he came up here, he's been doing great as well. But our little Elijah, while generally in good spirits, is definitely not himself.
Speaking of steep heights, Dave attempted to run the stroller straight up that steep hill last night after the pizza party. He nearly made it but fell out about 50 feet from the top and was forced to walk the rest of the way. However, I am still proud of him for making it period. That is no easy feat.
If you think of it, please keep Elijah in your prayers -- that he'll quickly acclimate to being in the mountains. These prayers will directly help Mom and Dad as well as we'll be able to sleep even more ... never a bad thing!
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