Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mish Mash of Mush with Some Worry on Top

Why do I worry?

I'm not sure when I will finally be able to say to God, "I've decided not to worry about this situation because You have shown me time and time again that YOU are in control of my life . . ."

Big sigh.

I'm sure many of you reading this post understand exactly where I am coming from before you even read the rest of this post.

I'm also sure that there are many of you, like my husband, who will say, "Why are you worrying? It keeps you up at night! Just enjoy life for crying out loud."

JB has a way of dealing with my obsessive worry. He'll turn it around and say to me, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" When I spell out what it is, it doesn't seem that bad and seems to help me, for a few hours at least, until I think of something else to worry about.

I did this to him one time. This was a time that he was actually worried (for once!) It takes a lot to get him to that point. This was with a patient of his who was very sick, and he was monitoring him very closely (via phone) while we were out shopping for bathing suits for our cruise. I turned to him and decided to play the worry game with him. "What's the worst thing that could happen?" I asked, just like he always asked me.

"Well," JB said, shutting the phone. "He could die."

Hmmm . . . somehow I don't think the worry game works very well when death is a valid possibility.

Either way, I pick the darndest things to worry about.

Right now?

Well the top of my worry list is our flight to and from Colorado next week. I found out that I don't have an aisle seat which always stresses me out. What if the person behind me tries to put their chair back and my legs don't fit? JB and I also aren't sitting next to each other. This makes the idea of each having a baby on our lap more stressful. If we aren't sitting next to each other, how do we "share" the diaper bag? Do I need to pack two separate bags? Will someone change seats with us so we can sit next to each other? Or is spreading the babies throughout the plane better than putting two of them in one aisle together? And then some planes don't let you have two kids in one aisle together. Something about the extra masks. There is only one extra one on each aisle. And they are usually only on the left side of the plane. I found out that instead of one 2 hour flight and one 1 hour flight, it is actually two flights that are 2 hours. (I forgot the time change.) Then I realized that since they can't change my seat, the flight is probably sold-out. Probably little chance at securing at least one extra seat for a child. Elijah hasn't been falling asleep in my arms well. Isaac never falls asleep in your arms. And our jogger. Will it fit through security? (I did a little research to amend these fears. If it doesn't fit, they will scan it by hand.) Okay. So we can bring our jogger.

All right so I'll stop before I stress all of you out. This is typical of my mind. It doesn't have to be a trip (although those seem to evoke the stress more than other things.) It can be anything. It can be a conversation I had with someone. Did I say the right thing? The wrong thing? The stupid thing? Are they upset with me? These worries can stay fairly minor. But they can get fairly major as well. To the point that I find myself lying in bed awake at night trying to sort out the worries in my head.

I've recently become more aware of this incessant worrying and how much I need to fix it. I think the big reason is my boys. As these boys grow, they are going to be watching me. I don't want to make them into worry warts just because I refuse to grow out of my worry. I want them to be at peace, calm, relaxed. Like their Dad.

And again, I go back to the Lord. I go back to the Bible. Whole chapters, tons of verses, all devoted to worry. All devoted to not trusting the Lord. And yet here I am, thirty-two (GULP!) years old, and I am still doing the same thing I did when I was twelve. WHEN will I grow up? When will I finally decide that God knows best and let HIM do the worrying for me? When will I stop losing sleep over whether or not I can get a good seat on an airplane?

I've decided that I plan to start today. Today's a good day to tell the Lord that I am putting HIM in charge of our trip to Colorado. Don't you think? I mean, he created the universe. Surely he can handle helping me get through four 2 hour flights. Don't you think?

Becky had a great blog yesterday. It's about worshipping God through anything. Everything. While it didn't specifically talk about my worry, I thought of my own worry. If Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego can praise the Lord and trust Him before they are thrown into a fire to burn to death, I think I can handle letting God handle a measly trip to Colorado. I can continue to praise Him, to trust Him, to give everything to Him -- especially considering how small my things are in comparison to so many other things.

***On a sidenote, Becky included a link to a fantastic website for infertility support. Click here to visit the Sarah's Laughter website and here to sign up for their daily double portions (email devotional).

And everyone, quit worrying, trust God, and enjoy your day!

P.S. My "followers" is getting closer and closer to 100! If you read my blog daily, will you do me a favor and add yourself to the "followers" list? It's fun for me to browse through and see who is reading. It also allows me to visit your blogs as well. Thanks all!


Kristi H. Hunt said...

Man I feel sorry for the person that reclines their airplane seat on you! :) It still makes me laugh so hard when I think of that story. Love ya

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

Ok...I did not read the entire post as I was beginning to worry with you.

Plane- pack 2 SMALL bags just in case! I bet people WILL move to help out...always do for us and our children ARE NOT Babies! IF you don't get to sit together GOD did not want you to...and MAYBE it is better for the boys to be separated and have one on one time with y'all! Try to look at the positives. Remember that whatever happens is FOR YOUR BEST AND GOD'S GLORY, even if it doesn't seem/feel like it! I am glad I have people to remind me of these truths so I am just trying to help remind you! I love you...and like John says "what is the worst?" You will have a great trip no matter what. The trip will be over before you know it. Don't worry...leave it all with God, he stays up ALL the time anyway! :)
Love you

Kelli said...

Why do we do that to ourselves?? I am so bad when it comes to worrying - even about silly things like conversations or my do to always gets done!

First thing this morning I read my email from Sarah's Laughter about Shadrach, Meshack, and Abendigo. It really made me step back and consider how much of my day to day life do I put in God's hands? Not enough!! I am joining forces with you and choosing today for God to take my worries and I, in return, will accept his peace (Phil. 4:6-7).

I would say good luck on your Colorodo trip, but now that God is in control you don't need luck!! Enjoy it!

miss fluffy said...

I'm a worrier, too... if a friend doesn't respond to a message, I think I did something to make them not want to respond. I worry over details, big pictures, friends, situations, whatever. I recently had another worrisome thought: why do i think that someone else's actions always revolve around me? Then I started worrying that I was egocentric! ACK!! I don't know that we can ever really stop worrying, but we can certainly try. Good luck! =)

On the plane: I would talk to the folks at the gate and express your concerns and ask for their suggestions. Make your own suggestions: Plan to sit in your assigned seat until everyone else is seated. Plan to ask (upon airline approval) the passengers in your desired seats if they wouldn't mind to trade. Plan several options - side by side, two of you right in front of the other two (that way you both might get aisle seats!), right across the aisle from each other, etc. Plan to be ok if it can't change. Worst case scenario? One of you has to walk to another part of the plane to help the other out. That's not so bad! Maybe not ideal, but not so bad. At least you are on the SAME plane! Best case scenario? The booked airline and seated passengers find a way to allow your family to sit together. Just have a plan, and execute it to the best of your ability. That's all you can do... except also be prepared if it doesn't work out the in the way you hope! Again - good luck! =)

June said...

Having just flown to NJ and back - layover each time - I can practically guarantee you that NO ONE wants to sit near a baby in flight. When people see you have TWO babies, they will be scrambling over each other to get away. I don't know about the 2 babies/aisle thing, we've never had to deal with that.

But here's our strategy for sitting together on an airplane - be the first to board. Sit together in the farther back of the 2 seats that you've been assigned (your official seat and "someone else's" seat) and very politely ask that person when s/he comes if they wouldn't mind switching seats with you (offering the seat closer to the front makes them feel like they get an upgrade). If they look unconvinced, perhaps apologetically offer a half-truth - the boys may have ear infections (always a possibility, right?) that make the ascents and descents a miserable experience, and you are hoping to have your husband's support while dealing with the crying babies.

And smile. A lot.

Good luck!!!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

kristi! You hush. I can just hear you laughing now ...

I've gotten much more polite but still do not understand why people recline their seats without making sure the people behind them have room! I always look back!

your mom said...

You know what? You cannot make yourself stop worrying. It's like saying you don't want an oreo blizzard...pretty soon you're gonna get it. I love what Joyce Meyer teaches about positive replacement....when those thoughts try and hit you you have a scripture or something that will change your focus. I love what John says to you....sounds sort of like your father. We're all getting there. It's a lot easier to tell someone else not to worry or not to want a blizzard. I will pray for supernatural favor for you on the trip w/ everyone you come around. You'll have a fabulous trip, both ways! Loveyoukiddo~You do such a great job w/ traveling w/ 2 kids.

Just Believing said...

I am in LOVE with Sarah's laughter I save all their devotionals and plan to make them into a book one day!

Rene said...

Ugh, that flying situation sounds less than ideal- ESPECIALLY with extremely long legs and 2 babies- yikes! I'm praying for smooth travels and low stress for your flight.

I am a worrier too and it really does make life less enjoyable. Right now I am so worried that something will go wrong with this miraculous pregnancy- it is so easy to forget who is really in control! God Bless :)

TAV said...

june's first comment cracks me up! good comments. hey wendi- the last time i flew, i offered and offered my exit row seat to my taller neighbors and NO ONE took me up on it! i was like, 'c'mon, people! my tall friend TOLD me to ALWAYS give up my seat." so i then promptly fell asleep, curled up. in my exit row seat.

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

June, your comments crack me up too. The more I think of it, I don't know who wouldn't want to make the switch to get the two of us together and get the heck away from us.

Tara, good job. ARE THESE PEOPLE IDIOTS!!!??? But keep offering!