But you know, when you are one, there is a lot going on in your life. I'm quite a busy kid. In the course of one day I have tons of milk to drink, diapers to dirty, naps to take, Scrubs to annoy, baths to play in, Daddy to hug, Mommy to play with, Elijah to entertain ... you get the idea. And that's not even counting all the books I have to read and have read to me and toys that need my attention. Man, being one comes with a lot of responsibilities.
So, what's been going on in my life?
Where to start, where to start ...
Well this past week has been really busy. First, we said good bye to my Uncle Keith and Aunt AD and hello to my Uncle Matt and Aunt Danielle. While I love my aunties, I really seem to like guys more. They are just sooo way cool. My Uncle Matt and Uncle Keith are the bomb!
On Friday, my new friend Addison came over to play. She lives in the house behind ours and was born two weeks before me. She is one cute little gal, and we play really well together. Our moms thought that it would be good we learn to play with kids our own age, so we are going to try and do it with a couple of other one year old kids in the neighborhood more often.
We also made some other new friends today. Zachariah and his wife Robyn came over for brunch this morning. Zachariah is a new first year resident, and they live on base. They are really cool folks. We spent most of Saturday hanging out with them and had a great time. I played with Zachariah quite a bit!
But other than my weekend report, there are a few other things to share, like all of the things I am interested in and accomplishing. Here are some of the highlights:
- I love to throw anything and everything over my shoulder, especially my blocks. I have no idea where I learned this from, but it sure is fun.
- I can now tell you what a cow says and have also added the word "eyes" (and the ability to point to them) to my repertoire. (Betcha didn't think I knew a word that big -- repertoire that is, not eyes. :)
- I am currently very into making car noises as I play with my toys.
- I have begun to climb. Daddy and Mommy found me on the desk chair leaning over the back of it yesterday. They had no idea I could do this and seemed very concerned. Take a chill pill guys! I am in control of the situation. I also hid from them in the shelves of my changing table. That was way fun.
- I really love my little brother. I still love to give him kisses and bring him toys. He loves to watch me too and laughs at me a lot.
- I am a great eater -- especially when it comes to fruit. I LOVE FRUIT! Watermelon is my favorite but pineapple, bananas, apples, oranges, and grapes follow close behind. It's really the best food group don't you think?
- I have begun to play at the new little park on the corner by my house but am not that into parks in general. Especially swings. They kind of spook me out still. But I'm getting the hang of it more and more.
- I am still 100% a Daddy's boy. If Daddy is home, I'm not that interested in my Mommy anymore. I say "Daddy" very clearly now but have decided to refrain from saying Mommy until I am good and ready. Other words include: Elijah, eyes, snack (na-na), and apple.
All right, I think that's enough of a look into my world for now. Mommy has said that Elijah may start a journal of his own but we'll see. So far, he isn't into the computer as much as me. But that might change.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Isaac, I'm so glad you share the love of fruit!!!
Isaac, you're Daddy loved to hide,too! His favorite spot was closets-especially waaay in the back, on top of things that were stashed there!! You can share the secret, just in case she can't find you in your usual spots; since you are such an adventuresome fellow:)Can't wait till you learn to climb trees!
your grandma k
What a sweet post! I just cannot believe it's been this long since he was born. What an amazing little man you have!!!
OAN, we are in the very midst of trying to break JK of throwing EVERYTHING. Good lord, the boy loves to throw. Blocks, cars, stuffed animals, cups, food. The troublesome thing is that the child has pitch perfect aim. So if you see something headed for you, YOU MUST DUCK! It scares me with M2 coming tomorrow. We've taken things away, we've done timeouts, we've spanked hands...nothing seems to work in breaking this. We praise, praise, praise when he throws balls outside, hoping it will encourage THAT behavior, but no. This is one area that we're just LOST on how to handle. So if you find a way to break the habit, please, please share!
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