Thank you also to God for the beautiful weather this morning. Isaac woke up a bit on the early side, the sun was out, a cool breeze was blowing, and a quick glance on the weather channel indicated that the temperature started with an eight instead of the usual nine. So, I threw some cheerios in a cup for Isaac, strapped Elijah in to his child seat, convinced Scrubs to don his collar, threw on some running clothes and my sunglasses, and off we went on a run. It was so nice not to run in such blazing heat!
This will be a busy three days for me. Not only does Elijah have his therapy appointment tomorrow, but on Wednesday I need to drive Scrubs to "doggy camp" which is over an hour away. All in preparation for our Thursday morning departure for Snowmass, Colorado which is just outside of Denver. In addition to those activities I have lots of packing, prepping, and planning to do. We will be driving to Pensacola on Thursday morning, flying from Pensacola to Dallas, flying from Dallas to Denver, and then driving four hours to Snowmass. Quite a day I would say. Two fellow residents are making the trip with us although their families won't be there.
JB is attending a Wilderness Medicine Conference there. (This is the same conference he attended last year with Erik, Andrea, and Erik's family.) I was a bit nervous about spending a week in a condo by myself with both boys, until I remembered something quite fabulous. My dear friend Kelsey lives in Colorado! So we put plans in the work for her to spend a number of days with us and thus not leaving me alone in the condo for days on end. She's going to stay until Tuesday morning. She'll be able to help me with the boys and make getting out on my own not quite so overwhelming.
This is a bitter-sweet trip for me in that I know this is the last time I will see or talk to Kelsey for TWO YEARS. Kelsey is entering the convent and the first two years require no contact outside of her immediate family for two years. We may get an occasional letter or updates from her mom, and we can send letters ourselves. But otherwise, this will be the last time we get to see her for quite some time. We have to make the best of it!
Can't wait to see Colorado and this beautiful part of Colorado JB has told me so much about. All right. Got to get off the computer and back on track packing!
Oh! I'm jealous!! I love Colorado! Give Kels a BIG BIG hug for me.
I was just in CO --probably left as you arrived...also saw the beauty of Nevada which i had no idea of...got to run in Red Rock Canyon and explore a bit of Valley of Fire State Park -enjoy the beauty of the west!!
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