Thursday, January 07, 2016

Review & Give-away: War Room


I was so excited to have the opportunity to review the film War Room for the awesome people over at
And now, I am so excited to give a copy of this DVD away to one of my Blog readers.

I have to be honest. I always have my "wall up" when it comes to Christian films. I want Christian productions to be of the same quality as secular productions and don't have much patience when they are not. War Room is from the creators of Fireproof and Courageous. I really enjoyed Fireproof but the acting was quiet "so-so." And I have yet to see Courageous. (Hey -- can I review this one for you too?!)

I put this movie on after the kids went to bedthinking, "I'll watch a few minutes, go to bed, and finish it the next day."

I definitely finished it that night.

It was that good.

I next gave the film to my in-laws. My father-in-law is a movie buff. He doesn't want to waste his time with sub-par movies. He kind of shrugged when I suggested he and mom watch the film. But the next day he came up to me, put it back in my hand and exclaimed, "This was ... awesome!" He told me that my mother-in-law put it on, and he planned on just reading his book while she was watching it but that he immediately got hooked and was blown away by the movie and the message.

This is a movie for Christians. It is a movie to inspire us to pray. To change our world. To not give up. To not accept the world's standards for our marriages, our families, and our lives. I finished this movie truly inspired. I wanted to start praying more immediately. I wanted to become a better woman of God. I wanted to be a better community member and friend and family member. I wanted to quit all my pettiness and concentrate on what really matters.

War Room was, without a doubt, the best Christian movie I have ever seen. Absolutely awesome, amazing, excellent, and inspiring. This is one you have to see. 

And I'm going to start by giving it away to one lucky reader! Just leave a comment with your email address, and one week from today, I will pick a winner to receive a copy of the DVD and bonus features.

(I actually watched most of the bonus features on the DVD as well. (I never do that!) Bonus features included: The making of War Room, bloopers and outtakes, deleted scenes, From Auditioning to Acting, and much more.)

So let the commenting begin!

P.S. provided me with a free copy of this film in exchange for my honest and fair review. If you have never been over to the Fishflix website, you are missing out on some amazing family entertainment. This is a Christian-run company. I personally know one of the Godly men behind this enterprise and encourage you to look to them for your DVD needs!


Kelli Dubois said...

Pick me! I haven't seen this one.

Unknown said...
I loved this movie too. I'd love to have a copy!

Chesha Oliver said...

Some moms at Nate's preschool got together to go see this & I was unable to join them. It's on our list to see for sure!

denise said...

It's a great movie - I'd love to own it!

Anonymous said...

Grama M cannot post on your blog but I know she would love this movie. Can you put her name>(Dolores Medema)

Lisa said...

I would love to see this movie, I have heard from a couple people its a great movie.

Jenn said...

We haven't seen this one yet!!

Shelby Mathis said...

Would love to see this one!

Heather K said...

Ooohh, it sounds really good. Would love a chance to watch and own it.

Beth said...

Been wanting to see this!

Susan said...

I haven't seen the movie yet, but received a book for Christmas that was inspired by it - all about prayer.

Becky said...

Fantastic movie!!! Would love to own it.

Debbie said...

I've read the book but soooo want to see the movie!!

Wegner Family said...

I have heard the DJs on KLOVE talk about this movie a lot. I would love to watch it!

Kristen said...

Would love to see this

Judy Woodford said...

I so want to see this movie!!!

Joia said...

Just ignore all of them (especially my mom, lol) and give it to me. ;) You know my email address.

TAV said...

Don't think I've watched a movie since the baby was born, but this looks like a good one!

ke2alto said...

I would LOVE to receive this and share it with my mom! Heard it is the BEST movie!! And I would like to get my prayer time on track like they do!

Unknown said...

I saw it with our Bible Study group and have recommended it highly ! Great film!

Kim said...

I would love to see this movie!

The Voth's said... :)

Christo & Melissa said...

We would love to watch this!


Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Wegner Family! You were the winner! Please send me your mailing address!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Wegner Family! You were the winner! Please send me your mailing address!