Monday, May 10, 2010

The biggest congrats ever!

On Sunday, my cousin Justin got engaged to an awesome woman, Julia. My heart, truly, is bursting with this news. I really am not sure anything, outside of our miracle children, has ever caused me to be so excited.

Justin and I really bonded during some very low times in our lives. When I was in the very deep throngs of infertility and grieving the loss of my dreams, he was in the very deep throngs of the end of a relationship and was grieving heavily himself. We really came together during this time and learned on each other (mainly through instant messenger) for support. We dreamed of a time that we could hang out together, me with children and him with a wife.

Two years ago, my prayers were answered when Isaac John came into my life. However, Justin's dream was still laid down before the throne of our Heavenly Father.

Until yesterday, when he and his girlfriend Julia got engaged! I am so incredibly excited for Justin, Julia, and her daughter Bella on this fantastic news. What an awesome God to heal Justin's heart, to heal mine, and to lead us into new adventures in our lives.

He actually proposed by giving Julia a card that said: "Happy Mother's Day to my Wife." In her confusion, he pulled the ring out and asked her to make the second part of that statement true. How cool is that?

I am praying that somehow, despite our overseas move, the Lord will make a way that I can attend this wedding. What a party it will be!


TAV said...

fabulous news! give him my congratulations!

Anonymous said...

That is just so sweet. I was wondering HOW he proposed after I saw the pics on f/b. Those Huisman men are alright!!!

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

I do not know these folks. Probably will never meet them this side of heaven...but WOW, this is awesome. Awesome story of healing, God's kindness, HIS perfect timing and a WONDERFUL proposal! Thanks for sharing! :) Praying that you can attend!