Thursday, May 27, 2010

Orders are in!!!

We got our orders!!! We are heading to Turkey for absolutely sure. Now we can start getting moving dates and rotator (military flight) dates.

The good thing is, this trip doesn't put us behind at all. Tomorrow is a family day on Base, and Monday is a holiday, so he can't do anything until Tuesday anyways.

If you think of it, could you please pray for a few things for us over the next few days?
  • That we would get moving dates that work for us and especially that allow us time to spend with our families in South Florida before we leave.
  • That there would be room for Scrubs' on our rotator. These do not fly very frequently, and we therefore will basically have very options for dates. We really need him to get on this with us.
  • That our condo will find a buyer or a renter soon. We still have it up for sale, and we are also entertaining renters now thanks to our good friend Ronnie who is "managing" the property for us. Our current renters just moved out so we want to fill the space soon financially speaking.
  • Safe travels and calm baby boys on our flight back home this weekend.

Thanks everyone!

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