Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Winging it

Isn't that what you do with a new baby? You "wing it" don't you? There are no patterns, no routines, no normal. There is just a learning curve. Adjustments. And that's what we are doing.

Abigail is doing great. My milk is in, and she seems to be enjoying a being a full baby. She basically feeds throughout the day every 2.5-3 hours. When she isn't eating, she is usually snuggling with someone. And of course, sticking to my sleep rules, we make sure she takes at least a nap a day in her crib solo -- which she does very well.

Our hardest stretch is currently from about 7pm-2am. She wants to eat closer to every hour or hour and a half and is pretty wide awake. This matches the activity she produced while still in utero. Come my time for bed and she would think it was her time to be awake and play the drums to her heart's content. But now that she is on the outside, each night seems to get a little better and last night, after a tough start, she went to sleep in her crib by herself from 1:30 until 5:30. Hurray for a good stretch of sleep for Mom.

Speaking of Mom (aka "me"), me is doing well. I am definitely still recovering from stomach surgery but with the help of Motrin and Percocet, am managing quite well.

From the moment I got out of recovery, things went smoothly. While I did bleed enough to concern the doctor and cause them to start me on some medicine to help with that, there was no "panic" about the bleeding like there was with Elijah. I did get a little sick to my stomach post-surgery and actually threw up! This was very surprising since I haven't thrown up since I was fourteen-years-old! The bad part was, when I felt myself beginning to throw up, the nurses and JB had just left the room. I was feeding Abigail and was left on my own to try and hold a bucket and a baby at the same time. But I managed well and was even able to push the call button and get someone to my room.

Since then, everything has gone great. I did have some intense gas pain as well as some air from having my stomach exposed but otherwise, oh my, I am just thoroughly enjoying recovering at a normal rate and being able to enjoy our little girl (and my boys).

Please continue to pray for a quick passport turnaround. That is all we are waiting for to go back to Turkey!


Rachel and Hans said...

My number one sleep rule with a toddler and a newborn...get them to take a slop nap in their crib while at the SAME time! ;). I get that about 95% of the time and if I didn't I'd go nuts! Good luck! Abigail Is precious!

Rachel and Hans said...

That would be 'solo' nap. Auto correct for iPhones is a pain sometimes"

Mrs. H said...

So stinking cute! You are blessed! And I must ask....really, you haven't thrown up since you were 14?? How have you managed that! HA! Congrats to you...well not on the vomiting even though that is awesome! But Congrats again on your precious baby girl and handsome sons!

Anonymous said...

Wendi: I see these pics and think, "that girl's got babies coming out of her ears!" Who woulda thunk... :D (with faith and patience we inherit His promises)
God is so good!

Faith said...

yep, winging it is about right. How you have time or energy for blogging is beyond me:)! Your family is just beautiful!

June said...

I am late to the party, but I wanted to offer hearty congratulations to the family. So glad to see your new little one and you are healthy and strong.

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Rachel, I concur! From the time I brought Elijah home, this was a rule of mine. I HAD to have one stretch a day (two hours if I could but I'd take one hour) with uninterrupted time. This usually means putting the boys down and exercising the dog and turning off the phone. I STILL do this. It is mys anity and I think all mom's of more than one, MUST make this a priority!

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Faith, I must be honest that I am a VERY fast typer. It makes blogging take very little time for me. I usually only spend 15 or 20 minutes on it a day. But I agree that finding the time to do it has been more difficult since adding a third.

Summer said...

She's beautiful, glad you're doing well and enjoy time with your parents, boys & JB ... Congratulations!! ...

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Krystal, really. Fourteen years old. My dad doesn't really throw up either. Not sure if I have a stomach of steel or if I just don't get that sick stomach-wise. I've had many times I've wanted to throw up but didn't but this time, it became quickly obvious that throwing up was what was called for. I had worried that my body wouldn't remember what to do, but it did. Although, after fasting for nearly a day, there really wasn't anything there to throw up.

nicole said...


You look fabulous, as always. And your little pink muffin is the cutest :-) Congratulations on a smooth delivery and what sounds like a very tolerable post-partum course. I'm so glad things went 100% better this time around. What a great family you have (parents and in-laws included)! All the best to you and your growing brood :-)

I really hope we get a chance to visit before you guys come back to the states (though I'm wondering if there'll be enough room in the house by the time we get there!).

Enjoy new mommyhood. All over again :-)

