Wednesday, July 06, 2011

More Prayers Requested

Man it just feels like there is so much prayer needed in the lives of myself and those I know right now. I have to take a moment to request a few more prayers.

It was only back in November of last year that we first got word that our Base Chaplain's wife, Deborah, had been diagnosed, out-of-the-blue, with Stage IV cancer. She is a young woman. She has a six-year-old daughter. You can read my initial post about her diagnosis here.

Shortly after her diagnosis, Deborah and her husband Mark and their daughter Grace were relocated to Texas so she could receive treatment for her cancer. Unfortunately, chemo was not working and was causing such a terrible quality of life, that it was discontinued.

We have all been praying for a miracle for Deborah. I want to share the most recent email I received from our former Chaplain. A miracle is really needed right now. Without it, Deborah is probably in her last days and weeks of life.

Here is the email. Please join me in prayer for this sweet woman of the Lord.

Brothers and Sisters we are at the point of greatest need thus far. According to the Hospice nurse, Deborah will be "lucky" to be alive this time next week. We are definitely at the level of Miracle equal to Parting the Red Sea, sending fire from Heaven and raising Tabaitha from the dead. This is EXACTLY the Time God steps in.

Deborah has been declining this past weekend pretty significantly. We know God has NOT turned His face from Deborah, His faithful daughter. We are asking you to look up Acts 3 the account of the beggar being healed by Christ through the Holy Spirit's work in Peter and John. As you will see he was immediately singing and dancing and praising God. It was not a gradual healing, This is our prayer for Deborah.

This has been the best of times and the worst of times for Deborah and I. We have had some wonderful times with great alertness and intimate conversations. I have come to realize the ABSOLUTE purity of God's Love in us. We have been blessed to experience the purity of love stripped of expectations and the absolute joy of caring for the one you love, EVEN THOUGH we wish with all our heart we were not having to go through it, yet not wanting to have missed it. I know that sounds very confusing and i guess it is, but If I could explain it, it wouldn't be a God thing and this is definitely a God thing.

Pray for Deborah's miraculous, supernatural divinely appointed, scripturally attested healing. We all know that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, what He has done He can do again to His ABSOLUTE Glory. This is NOT for Grace and I (though we look forward to sharing her miracle) This is Solely for the Glory of the Father that the word of Deborah's healing will bring thousands to repent and respond to the Grace of the Father by trusting in the payment for our sins, through the Lord Jesus as they receive the gift of Faith from the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it. John 11:4

Faith is the absolute confidence of things hoped for, the total certainty of things not seen. Heb 11:1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Deborah and her family in this heart is with you too Wendi...Love Tante Jan