Thursday, July 14, 2011

It needs my nitrogen

Yes, my husband has a blog. And yes, it is true. Most of the time I have no idea what on earth he is talking about in his blog. It's about permaculture. Which is an abstract thought in and of itself. It's about nature and outdoors and concepts that often go over my head.

But yesterday he wrote about our boys. Well, okay, he was writing about "free manure" but our boys factored in. Not the manure part. But the pee part.

Okay, anyways, here was the part about our boys which I thought was funny. You can read the entire post by clicking here.

This also reminds me of another thing ... My boys are little right now and are just getting potty trained. We can be outside playing and they will have to pee two or three times an hour sometimes. I have taught them that if we are in a natural setting, they can pee in the bushes or behind a tree. Our interaction goes something like this:

"Daddy, I need to go pee-pee!"

"Again? Right now?"



"I want to go pee-pee in the bushes (or on a tree)"

"Okay, which bush needs your nitrogen?"

(yes, :) I actually say that!)

They will look around and say "Hmmmm, I think this one is a good one." And then the nitrogen delivery is made. I love it. My boys love it. And I am pretty sure the plant enjoys it as well.


Faith said...

Oh my goodness, that's hilarious! My friends also let their little girl pee outside when she is swimming - they let her pull her suit over and go! They were at our house in our kiddie pool the other day and she was peeing in my yard, lol!

TAV said...

What is John's blog?

Wendi Kitsteiner said...

Hey Tara. I linked to in the post: